Tuesday 27 October 2020

Still Rumbling On...

...back in Vange:
South Essex Islamic Trust plans to develop the former Barge Inn, in High Road, Vange, into a culture centre, but Basildon Council is not assured concerns over noise and parking will be dealt with.
But the trust says it has done all it can and handed over more than enough information for the council to make a decision.

The decision should be 'No', then. Will it be? 


  1. Commander Jameson28 October 2020 at 07:30

    This "cultural centre" doubtless has separate toilets for men and women. Which is surely enough to scupper the application on the grounds of transphobia?

  2. The council are probably just waiting for a day when people are distracted by something else before they say 'yes'. Council Islamopandering always seems to work that way. They continually kick the issue of the unwanted mosque down the road until they've worn out the opposition, or something comes along that allows the council to slip a 'yes' to the mosque out whilst people's attention is elsewhere. It seems to be the case that whether you vote Labour, Lib Dem or Conservative you will nearly always get the Islamopanderer.

    I don't think this situation will change until we elect politicians both local and national, who have the balls to stand up to Islam and its Leftist handmaidens.

  3. "Which is surely enough to scupper the application on the grounds of transphobia?"

    Heh! I like the way you think.... 😉

    "The council are probably just waiting for a day when people are distracted by something else before they say 'yes'."

    Now that, I don't doubt. I fear it's a done deal.
