Monday 26 October 2020

They Should All Sue The Police....

A Northumbria Police spokesperson said: 'The dog was seized because it had characteristics similar to that of a Pit Bull Terrier which is a banned breed under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
'The animal was housed in kennels and assessed by a dog expert. It was acknowledged that it was a cross-breed and had shown no previous signs of aggression, so was therefore returned to the owner on an interim basis.'
Just weeks later, a student walking his dog paid the price

Also the kitchen worker who came to his aid, and then its owner and her father, before armed cops showed up to do what they should have done in the first place.
Judge Tim Gittins sentenced Porteous to eight months imprisonment, suspended for 18 months, with 80 hours unpaid work.


  1. Well he won't do the work that's for sure. I have seen them standing smoking and watching the supervisor do it all around here, when I asked him why he said it was against health and safety to let them cut grass etc as it involves machines. It seems the training requirements are expensive do they are not done. As for the suspended sentence out in the real world that means got away with it. Not many judges live in the real world so they wouldn't know that.

  2. She couldn't pay the £90, but has a mobile phone, etc, etc - it's always other priorities with these young idiots.

  3. The Cowboy Online26 October 2020 at 12:46

    You look at the picture of the dog, and the owner, accompanying the article and you know exactly what type of dog owner she is, the kind that absolutely should not own a dog. She clearly bought the dog because of the associated 'image' and, as comments below the article mention, she hardly looks like the kind of person for who exercising the dog, and properly training it, would have been a priority, that's if it even crossed her mind in the first place. An accident that was clearly waiting to happen.

  4. Sorry, I can't really see where the dog allegedly mauled her hand. Also, she is 22 and was with her partner (now dead) for 7 years? From 15 years of age?

  5. This is one of those daily occasions when the police must justifiably take flak for laziness, albeit a vice that must be balanced with some recognition for those times when plod 'really get stuck into villains'.

    Let it not be said that police lack any dedication for catching speeding motorists...even if it means adding 5-10 mph to their real speed and playing the Lying Bigot in the witness box.

  6. The police should seize dogs of this type and destroy them. If the owner takes exception the Chief Constable’s response should be, “See you in court”.

  7. Here's a dog story for you:

    Except who's in the wrong here? People are permitted to exercise dogs provided they're under control. Cycling is forbidden. One could argue the dog wasn't under control. But the cyclist shouldn't have been cycling in the first place. The council for choosing not to enforce its own by-laws?

  8. "Not many judges live in the real world so they wouldn't know that."

    I'd really like to see more of them savaged by out of control dogs. It might concentrate minds next time they are on the bench.

    "'s always other priorities with these young idiots."

    Of course! It's why I pay absolutely no attention with those reports of 'children going hungry in school holidays'.

    "You look at the picture of the dog, and the owner, accompanying the article and you know exactly what type of dog owner she is..."

    Spot on! You'd think the police would be able to see that too, wouldn't you? I wonder what notation was recorded regarding the address on PNC?

    "Also, she is 22 and was with her partner (now dead) for 7 years? From 15 years of age?"

    You seem surprised - are you new here? 😉

  9. "The police should seize dogs of this type and destroy them. If the owner takes exception the Chief Constable’s response should be, “See you in court”"

    Fully agree.

    "Here's a dog story for you"

    Interesting one! I agree, it doesn't take the wisdom of Solomon to see they are both equally to blame. The only truly innocent one is the dog...
