Tuesday 17 November 2020

Another 'Only In Brighton' Story...

More vegan meals look likely become available in Brighton and Hove school canteens.
The news emerged after Brighton mother Jill Pearson-Klein urged councillors to stop sidelining veganism and labelling it as a “special diet”.

But it is... 

Today’s children need to move towards a more plant-based diet to have a future on this planet and we need to be encouraging them to do so.” She spoke out at a “virtual” meeting of Brighton and Hove City Council’s Children, Young People and Skills Committee on Monday.

First, it's 'encouragement'. Later, it's Hobson's Choice... 

She said: “I am asking the committee to ensure veganism is no longer sidelined as a ‘special diet’ in schools and that a vegan choice is available every lunchtime to all children in all schools to enable them to make more responsible food choices.”

And if they don't want to eat it, what then? 

Haven't you ever browsed the 'remainder' aisle in a supermarket, Jill? Two things are always on it: beef mince and vegan food! 

Councillor Clare, who chairs the committee, said that vegan children were registered as receiving a “special diet” to ensure they were not given meat, eggs or dairy food. She said: “This is not to sideline this choice or treat the child as different but to ensure they receive appropriate foods.
“We will look at reviewing our use of language around this with our catering contractor.”

Why? Why appease people like this? Don't you know you're just emboldening them? 

And...is there a dearth of vegetarian and vegan food on the menu then? 

Eight of the 15 vegetarian dishes on offer in schools across Brighton and Hove were suitable for vegan children, the committee was told.

Fifteen!?! There must be a lot of demand...

The Greens were keen to promote “meat-free Mondays” when they first took office nine years ago, trying it out at the Cityclean depot in Holligdean. The move was not universally popular with the binmen and street cleaners based at Cityclean and the idea was dropped shortly afterwards.



  1. IIRC wasn't 'meat free Mondays' a policy of the German government between 1939 and 1945 as well? Proves what many believe about the Greens whichis that they are fascists.

  2. Market forces are all that is needed really. If there is a demand for vegan and veggie food then it will be worth the effort of providing it. Councillor Clare doesn't like people making their own decisions though, they tend to keep getting the answer wrong.

  3. Voicing erroneous garbage about nutrition aka vegan

  4. The only animals that I eat are Vegan.
    Feeding cows chicken was not a great idea.

  5. Chickens are omnivores, they will eat pretty much anything. Ours are particularly keen on leftover curry.

  6. "IIRC wasn't 'meat free Mondays' a policy of the German government between 1939 and 1945 as well?"


    "If there is a demand for vegan and veggie food then it will be worth the effort of providing it."

    It appears not to be the case, if the 'remainder' counters are any gauge!

    "Chickens are omnivores, they will eat pretty much anything."

    Pigs too!
