Tuesday 17 November 2020

If A Green Terrorist Causes Criminal Damage In London And No Media Report It...


...did it really happen at all?


  1. No one about in the quad. Nothing to see here, move along, please.

  2. Plod know they are widely despised and it is now pretty obvious that they don't give a tinker's fart for doing 'there' job properly. Corruption and bribery also flourish when excuses for failing to take appropriate action becomes acceptable at every level of the 'service'.

  3. Widely despised by losers like you Melvin I agree, as well as the twitterati, the Daily Mail and most politicians. But not the general law-abiding public. Feel free to disagree as you are always the expert on any matters involving the police.

  4. I am almost certain that the general, law-abiding public is listening to you, Jaded.

    Just keep taking the pills and everything will be fine.

  5. I'm the general law abiding public and I have a pretty low opinion of the police Jaded, sorry.

  6. @Stonyground + 1

    I have had various but infrequent dealings with the Police over many decades, and have experiences ranging from effective, sensible and courteous to absolutely stupid, corrupt and probably criminal (on their part). It only goes to show that the police reflect the community they are drawn from, with perhaps a slight bias towards jobsworthiness.

  7. Working unchecked and doing as they like, the police are a large number of stupid people who will eventually startle wiser citizens who underestimated that arrangement.

  8. Jared, as with any profession the police have their good 'uns and their bad 'uns. More so that the upper echelons are invested with common purpose types, fast tracked graduates who have never felt a collar or pounded the beat. The best majority of coppers I know are proper coppers. Lions led by donkeys? Take a look at the new recruits, therefore supposed to be thousands of them up and down the country. See what sort of person they are, I would be interested to hear your views. I suspect that there are changes under way in the nature of policing in this country and the nature of the officers.

  9. "...and it is now pretty obvious that they don't give a tinker's fart for doing 'there' job properly."

    That long march through the institutions really left the most scorched earth behind in the police 'force', didn't it?

    "But not the general law-abiding public."

    I think you'll find, Jaded, that the tipping point was long reached. Maybe 'hatred' is too strong, but mild contempt can soon build...

    "...with perhaps a slight bias towards jobsworthiness."

    Covid regulations have only served to strengthen this...

    "I suspect that there are changes under way in the nature of policing in this country and the nature of the officers."

    Me too. And not for the better.
