Friday 13 November 2020

But He Doesn't Have Ginger Fur And Pointy Ears...

...which is odd, because the useless, lazy. incompetent police were certain the culprits were really foxes

“The footage found at Wallace’s address was disturbing in the extreme”, said PC Tony Kiddle, from the East Area Command Wildlife Unit.
“Given the vast number of ways that domestic pets, roaming freely, can come to harm, it would be difficult to put a number on the level of his offending.
“But, given the content of his home footage, I believe that it is likely that he has played a sinister part in the deaths of a number of animals as in recent years.
“Wallace has exhibited horrifyingly cruel behaviour and it is reassuring to know that he has been removed to a place where he can cause no further harm to beloved pets.”
Well, for (probably less than) six months anyway. Unless his fellow prisoners would like to hand out some proper justice?


  1. Some sub-humans of no particular description dislike certain types of animal, particularly cats, dogs and pigs, but they love goats (for sex), sheep (for kebabs) and human children ... better stop there.

  2. I would consider him to be criminally insane and that he needs to be locked away permanently. I'm pretty sure that you will be revisiting this one in a few months time when he has either done it again or starting on children.

  3. Let him play with more cats: I suggest London Zoo's tiger enclosure.

  4. "Let him play with more cats: I suggest London Zoo's tiger enclosure."
    Or let the piece of nigger shit turf up near me and my cat, I should think that being burned at the stake would cure these sensibilities of his, wouldn't you? What was that? Sorry? Oh, I should learn to understand his 'culcha'. No, I suggest he and his brethren learn to understand MINE, you dont pander to scum, you wipe them out.

  5. Poor chap needs treatment not punishment.

    I think that trepanning is needed here. I’ll get my Back & Decker ready.

  6. "I would consider him to be criminally insane..."

    I wouldn't! He'd get less time locked up then.

    "Let him play with more cats: I suggest London Zoo's tiger enclosure."

    Put it on Pay-Per-View to make up for their lost visitor revenue!

    "I think that trepanning is needed here. I’ll get my Back & Decker ready."

    Make sure it's sterile first!

    The drill, I mean.
