Friday 13 November 2020

It's Hardly The Biggest Threat, Is It?

I think 'burning to death' comes first...

Rob Carter, headteacher of the school in Jane Murray Way, said the alarm was not a drill but did not disclose whether there was a fire. He said the first priority is to evacuate the building in the emergency situation, but infection control procedures were in place.
However one student, who asked not to be named, said there was "no provisions for social distancing".

Stay and burn, or risk catching a dose of flu. One so deadly it has a death rate of 0.66%. Hmmm. It's a puzzle.  


  1. Ah, priorities!

    One wonders how these people will survive in the real world.

  2. @asiaseen: Hopefully they won't. Well, not for long anyway. Maybe they're all vying for Darwin awards.

  3. "One wonders how these people will survive in the real world."

    It's OK, it's slowly turning into a surreal one.

    "Maybe they're all vying for Darwin awards."

    If only!
