Tuesday 10 November 2020

How Do Such Things Happen?

Well, I think we can guess. It's not like there's not plenty of clues.
Northamptonshire Police's Chief Constable Nick Adderley said: 'This was an appalling attack on two officers who had been called to deal with an extremely vulnerable young person.'

Yes, he's describing the assailant here. Not his officer who has been gravely injured by her... 

In a statement on Twitter, the Conservative minister said: 'I struggle to comprehend how anyone could commit such an act.
'My thoughts are with these brave officers during this difficult time.'

Why do you 'struggle to comprehend' how a person with mental health issues can do things like this? 

The 15-year-old girl, who has not been named, appeared before Northampton Magistrates' Court on Monday.
She was released on conditional bail to next appear at Wellingborough Youth Court on November 17, police said.

The public can't know the names and details of what is evidently someone who is floridly mentally ill and dangerous. And she's not been confined safely while she awaits trial.

THAT'S how such things happen. And they'll go on and on happening. 


  1. Since releasing loonies became the fashion, handling them naturally gets dumped on the police.
    I understand that they now end up in prison instead of the loonie bin. Naturally the police get criticised when they fail to provide appropriate medical treatment for those picked up off the street.

    Here in Oz the advantage was that loonie bins were paid for by the state but the unemployment benefits are paid by the Commonwealth. The noble reform zoomed through the state legislatures with lightning speed.

    As to how I'd handle ratbags who dump hot water on people; bring back the lash. But of course I'd apply the noose and the lash to lots of people.

  2. Unless things have changed mightily in public service the Chief Constable will say the right thing but like almost all senior management he probably regards the bottom ranks as disposable assets.

  3. So, can the next Police officer to be disfigured by having this obnnoxious little bitch throwing scalding water of them sue the cretins who allowed her bail? Thought not. Because reasons.

  4. Perhaps they could give her name and address to a group of kind, considerate, muslim guys who are looking for 'vulnerable' teenage girls to induct into the real world ....

  5. "I understand that they now end up in prison instead of the loonie bin."

    Sometimes. Not often enough!

    "...but like almost all senior management he probably regards the bottom ranks as disposable assets."

    I don't think there's any doubt about that.

    "Thought not."

    No consequences? No progress.

    "Perhaps they could give her name and address to a group of kind, considerate, muslim guys who are looking for 'vulnerable' teenage girls to induct into the real world ...."

    Perhaps that's what drove her mad to start with...?
