Tuesday 10 November 2020

But She'll Get Better In Six Years..?

The founder of Kids Company said she could not have been a director of the failed charity because she 'does not know what month or day it is', the High Court heard yesterday.

I can well believe it, except she clearly knows when it's dinnertime... 

Camila Batmanghelidjh is fighting against being banned from holding a company directorship for six years.

Wait, why? Why fight something you're claiming you're incapable of doing?

The Official Receiver, which is bringing the case, says she was a 'de facto director' of the charity who told employees it would be run 'in accordance with her vision above all else' and 'people who did not agree should leave'.

Plenty of interviews in the media to show just that. I doubt the CPS barristers are breaking a sweat over this. 

Kids Company was backed by politicians including David Cameron, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

None of whom noticed anything amiss. Says a lot, eh? 


  1. Reminder: all the pols who backed this freak show also believe firmly that the public are too stupid and gullible to decide if the EU is a good idea or not.

  2. "David Cameron, Tony Blair and Gordon Brown." That should be incriminating evidence in itself.

  3. My former City law firm donated to her "charity" and she came to present to us partners. I was standing by our managing partner at the time and – to his evident horror – said something to the effect of, "I've never seen a more obvious con artist, what are we doing giving her money?" She didn't fool anybody. She wasn't clever enough. She simply presented as an unchallengeable intersectional combination and peoples' own cowardice fooled them.

  4. "Doesn't know what month or day it is"? Well how does she know she isn't already a Director? If she isn't one, it will not matter anyway will it?
    Granted, she appears more than adequately capable given the standard of some I have worked with and as for Government Departments, BBC, NHS etc. She is clearly considerably overqualified!

  5. Well if Tony Blair and Gordon Brown backed it it must be OK then. After all what's an illegal war and failing the economy of the nation if not a badge of honour and knowing when things are right.

  6. She's black and she's a woman. That is two levels of racism and sexisn she can throw at anyone who feels that she is a waste of oxygen. She will get away with it, and be joined by Diane Abbott on the steps of the court to show that it is all whiteys fault.

  7. "...also believe firmly that the public are too stupid and gullible to decide if the EU is a good idea or not."

    Well, with the cleaning house at No 10 overseen by the PM's current poke, I wonder how long it'll be before that's off the cards?

    "She didn't fool anybody. She wasn't clever enough. She simply presented as an unchallengeable intersectional combination and peoples' own cowardice fooled them."


    Remember when people had courage and vision? Rather than simply blindly following the (unrepresentative) crowd?

    "Granted, she appears more than adequately capable given the standard of some I have worked with and as for Government Departments, BBC, NHS etc."


    "She will get away with it, and be joined by Diane Abbott on the steps of the court to show that it is all whiteys fault."

    I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
