Wednesday 11 November 2020

Surely This Is Impossible?

Can they 'scale it back' more than they already have? 

And given they are currently not providing the service they are paid for, why are they taking on this tas...

Oh. Right

GPs will open at least 1,260 mass vaccination centres across England, 12 hours a day, seven days a week. They will be paid £12.58 each time they or a practice nurse administers one of the two doses every recipient will be expected to have, several weeks apart...

Say no more. 


  1. Twelve and half quid for jabbing someone with a needle? Where do I sign up?

  2. You could easily process one person every minute with a 2 person team. With a 10 hour day (lunch and breaks of course) that's 7,548 pounds a day split 2 ways. And it's legal to boot.

  3. I reckon the bloke in the blog above this one will do it for half that amount.

  4. The founding principle of the NHS, in order to get the avaricious GPs on board, was to 'stuff their mouths with gold'. For the last 70+ years, all the medics have milked that and, as long as governments lack the balls to challenge them, they'll continue to have their capacious gobs duly stuffed with gold at every opportunity.

    They are simply over-paid and over-rated body-mechanics and should be made aware that the government is their customer and, as a monopoly customer, can dictate the terms - if they don't like it, let them sink or swim elsewhere. We should have learnt in the past months that most of what they do is box-ticking nonsense, we're still alive without them, so let them leave or grovel.

  5. This insane generosity with our taxes will establish a new and regular windfall for GP's. I defer to qualified virologists but my limited understanding of the threat suggests that the virus may yet defeat any vaccine by changing sufficiently ahead of it being administered.

    The other public 'services must be drooling at the current pay bonanza...the plod union will certainly have a 'Me Too' claim if £Billions are seen to be awarded just for useless pricks.

  6. "Twelve and half quid for jabbing someone with a needle? Where do I sign up?"

    I think you have to do a few years study first. You can skip all the bits on patient care, though. They don't do that anymore.

    "...was to 'stuff their mouths with gold'"

    I think it's time we stuffed another orifice with something else from the periodic table.
