Thursday 19 November 2020

Naivety's Expected In A Girlfriend...

A teenage tearaway who caused havoc with burglaries and car thefts was...

In the justice system? Not so much. 

...spared a prison sentence.

Well, of course he was. 

Schofield, who has been in and out of foster care and children’s home since the age of seven was spared a jail term because he has now started to turn his life around.

Yes, of course he has. 

Judge Christine Henson QC imposed a two-year suspended prison sentence.

Those female judges, eh..? 

Schofield’s girlfriend Danielle Cutler, 20, told the court she will give him the boot if he returns to a life of crime.
Her comments were echoed by Adam Tucknott from the West Sussex County Council Leaving Care Service. 
Mr Tucknott said Schofield has “proved himself” by not committing any offences since April.

She's 20 and in love with him. What's everyone else's excuse? 


  1. I suspect lockdown is responsible for the little sh*t not offending since April.
