Friday 20 November 2020

It Helps If You Get The Basics Right...

Another day, another dog attack:
The matter has now been reported to Police Scotland.
A spokesman said: “Police were made aware of a dog attacking another dog on Portobello beach around 12pm on Friday, 16 October, 2020. The dog suffered serious injuries and died at the scene. Enquiries are currently ongoing to establish the circumstances surrounding the incident.”
Well, at least the police are on the case. Unlike Police Scotland to get something rig.... 

“I tried to walk away,” said Helen, who was now holding the ailing Fudge. “He couldn’t control his dogs – they were just going mad now. He was kicking them and shouting at them.
“I could feel Fudge fading, so I had to race to the vets.”
Sadly Fudge died before Helen got him to the veterinary for treatment.
“He didn’t have a mark on him so he wasn’t mauled. The vet said he had died of a heart attack from the fright of the attack.”



  1. So she takes the dead dog to a canine crematorium, and picks the nice little pot for its ashes.

    "My poor little Fudge," she weeps. "Please, when you put his ashes in this urn, do it with love. Then, you will live on in my heart as a Fudge packer ..."

  2. As it happened in Scotland, time for the introduction of McClarkson's Law?

  3. "As it happened in Scotland, time for the introduction of McClarkson's Law?"

    Och, aye!
