Friday 20 November 2020

Morally AND Financially...

Croydon is bankrupt. The south London council last week issued a section 114 notice – a formal declaration that it cannot meet the legal requirement to balance its books and will halt all but essential spending.

Couldn't happen to a more worthy place. Nor is it destined to be the last... 

Councils across the country are having to introduce severe cuts and a number are on the brink of declaring bankruptcy.

Looks like the council taxpayer funded gravy train has hit the buffers, at last! 

A decade’s worth of austerity for councils has left the country stripped of youth services, community centres, libraries, arts venues, sports facilities – the things that make up the social fabric of our nation.

Not to mention the 'fun and quirky' drains on council resources. And the far more important things.  

Cuts have forced the rationing of social care in a way that would have been a national scandal had it happened to the healthcare provided by the NHS.

Where have you been, hiding in a cave? It has happened in the NHS, as it closed down all other services to fight a bad dose of flu! 

H/T: Fahrenheit211 via Parler


  1. As the mismanagement of the council's funds is down to the negligence, incompetence and, allegedly, criminality of the councillors, I trust that they will forgo their salaries, perks, and expenses until these books are balanced? Is that a squadron of flying provinces hovering over the council offices?

  2. Provinces or porcines?

    Sometimes it is the officers, but in this case, probably the councillors - or both.

  3. @ Penise

    "Just look at that dirty kettle!" he screeched in wokest fashion.

  4. If the people the local councils serve considered the things local councils do to be worthwhile, would they not be willing to voluntarily pony up the dough to keep their local council afloat?

    Methinks the only way local governments can get away with spending massively outrunning tax income is if the locals are either not paying attention or - more likely - the local government is not dependent on the locals for tax revenue to fill its budget.

  5. "...I trust that they will forgo their salaries, perks, and expenses until these books are balanced?"

    Ha ha ha ha! Oh, wait. You're serious?

    "If the people the local councils serve considered the things local councils do to be worthwhile, would they not be willing to voluntarily pony up the dough to keep their local council afloat?"

    Now, that I'd pay to see!

    "Gone to the dogs, Croydon."

    You're thinking of Walthamstow... 😉

  6. Anon @12.30 20th.
    Yes, it should have been porcines. I checked my Kindle before sending it and it read "porcines". How the hell the provinces got in, I have no idea. Why can't they stay where they belong - in the provinces?

  7. Local people by en large take no interest in what the council does. We get what we deserve.
