Friday 18 December 2020

It Shows Something Else Too...

It is understood the Chief Whip was so concerned by the possibility his own letter would leak that he had it formatted in a way that made each copy individually identifiable.
One senior Tory said the summary dismissal showed Mr Spencer was ‘serious about cracking down on discipline’. shows that once again, the Home Office proves itself the most disfunctional and disloyal department in Whitehall.
The Prime Minister was left infuriated in October when plans for a second lockdown were leaked to the Mail and other news organisations before they had even been finalised. A Cabinet Office leak inquiry to uncover the so-called ‘chatty rat’ has seen ministers and senior officials grilled by Whitehall security experts. But it has so far failed to identify the culprit.
The Prime Minister told MPs this week that the inquiry was still ongoing.
I guess it's pretty clear where they should be looking.


  1. "Formatted in a way that made each copy individually identifiable"

    Sneaky! - But it shows there are a few people in government with a bit of savvy...

  2. We should let them sit on the hiring panels, maybe...

  3. In politics, as every other major organisation, responsibility is like water. It tends to find the lowest possible level and I would suggest that some poor underling will end up taking the fall and the real offender makes one more step to a knighthood/damehood.

  4. "In politics, as every other major organisation, responsibility is like water. It tends to find the lowest possible level ..."

    Oh, undoubtedly!
