Wednesday 23 December 2020

Never Let It Be Said The Justice System Doesn't Protect People....

A paranoid schizophrenic killer has escaped deportation to Albania on human rights grounds after a judge ruled he might ‘harm others’...
Wait, what? 

Well, you didn't think I could possibly mean British people, did you? his homeland.


Astrit Mija killed his flatmate in 2003 and has spent the past 17 years in prison. He was jailed for life after being found guilty of manslaughter by diminished responsibility for the attack on Arben Basha at their home in Ipswich – four years after he arrived in Britain and falsely claimed to be a Kosovan refugee.
He would normally be deported after completing his sentence, but an immigration judge ruled that despite free psychiatric care in Albanian hospitals and the killer having a ‘strong motivation’ to take his medication and not appearing ‘obviously mentally unwell’, it would breach his human rights to send him home.

'What about our human rights?' you cry..? Well, clearly we don't have any. 

Perhaps the judge and his solicitors would reconsider their devotion to human rights if they were made personally responsible for any future harm he might do in the UK?


  1. He was in prison, not a mental health institution, so imho there's every chance that his defence at trial and his so-say condition are entirely fictional

  2. Agreed.... just another economic physco britains left to deal with....bring back the death penalty for murder, rape, peados... soon have a nice england when people know what could happen....send the message out properly...before the people decide they have had enough

  3. Should have swung for his crime. Why the feck do we have to pay so much to keep these bastards in a life of luxury?

  4. " imho there's every chance that his defence at trial and his so-say condition are entirely fictional"

    It is the most commonly-used 'get out of jail free' card in the desk...

    "...bring back the death penalty..."

    It's being floated. But I'll never see it.

    "Why the feck do we have to pay so much to keep these bastards in a life of luxury?"

    It's 'progressive' to do so. Apparently.
