Wednesday 23 December 2020

The Only Time They Show Any Work Ethic...

...when the low hanging fruit is ripe for picking

North Yorkshire police said Covid marshals and officers visiting hospitality venues in York encountered “large numbers” of visitors from tier 3 areas and had processed 55 tickets to people in breach of their own tier regulations.
They said more than 100 further tickets were still awaiting paperwork completion and processing.

Do these people think it's a free country, or something? 

Well, the North Yorkshire Police Farce is here to disabuse them of that notion! After all, going door to door in struggling restaurants and pubs is much easier than catching burglars of child abusers, isn't it? 

It's even easier than trawling Facebook for thoughtcrime!

Supt Mike Walker of North Yorkshire police said: “People very clearly know and understand the risks, they know that this virus is deadly (Ed: Really?), they will know about the identification of a new strain (Ed: The one that's been around for months?) and know the serious steps the government has taken in the south-east, so there really is no excuse for acting so irresponsibly (Ed: Wrong idenity group, eh? ).
“If you choose to visit the city of York from tier 3 areas without a justifiable reason to have made your journey – with our extra patrols, chances are you will encounter one of our officers and you’ll be asked about the reason for your visit.”

He should read some history books, and look at what happened to the last bunch who delighted in snapping 'Papiere, bitte!'... 


  1. That's UK policing at its best. Revenue gathering is what they do best, in fact around my area is about all they do.

  2. "Revenue gathering is what they do best, in fact around my area is about all they do."

    How can they be so efficient at that and so ineffective at everything else?
