Tuesday 26 January 2021

Increasingly Dystopian...

There was a strong response to a story published in the ECHO yesterday about passengers being removed from buses as part of a police operation linked to lockdown restrictions.
The 10 passengers were each dealt with after they were deemed to be undertaking "non-essential travel".

Well, good! Hopefully that 'strong response' was anger at the police suddenly taking it upon themselves to determine what's 'non-essential'? I mean, didn't we fight a war to...


I never thought I'd say this but...maybe we should be more European?
Floydington1 replied to those criticising the measures and said: "It's not [police] who are disgusting, it's the idiots who won’t follow the rules spreading the virus. They are that stupid they can't understand if people don't move the virus can't move and it will just die out, what's difficult to grasp about that."
Frances Rowland said: "If these people on the bus were out for essential food shop or to visit their support bubble then they would not have been removed from the bus or fined."

Meanwhile, not to be outdone, police at the other end of the country are cracking down on...people who sit in their car having a takeaway coffee?

This pandemic has certainly shown us all just how terribly thin the veneer of civilisation really is, hasn't it?


  1. Of course, people sitting in their cars are a major source of disease spread. Nice to see that the cops have their priorities right.

  2. Although some of the bus cos. here in Manchester now, belatedly sport stickers on their windows saying stuff like "Keep me open", 90-odd percent of the buses have all their windows shut, and what's more, they come out of the depot like that too!

  3. It doesn't matter if we eliminate the virus in the UK, it has to be eliminated the world over. We got rid of TB, but Third Worlders brought it back in.

  4. "...if people don't move the virus can't move and it will just die out, what's difficult to grasp about that."

    The problem isn't that it's difficult to grasp, the problem is that it's not true. If it were true the previous lockdowns would have sorted the problem out. The only way this thing will die out, and it never will completely, is if enough people are exposed to it that most of us have some immunity to it. That fact that there isn't widespread outrage against this is very worrying.

  5. We've become a nation of bullies and slaves.

  6. "Nice to see that the cops have their priorities right."

    I'd like to think it's just a few bad apples...but I'm starting to believe someone's planting orchards-worth...

    "...90-odd percent of the buses have all their windows shut..."

    In winter? The devil you say! 🤣

    "The problem isn't that it's difficult to grasp, the problem is that it's not true. If it were true the previous lockdowns would have sorted the problem out."

    It seems to have done for 'ordinary' flu though!

    "We've become a nation of bullies and slaves."

    I'd love to refute that. But it seems I can't...
