Wednesday 27 January 2021

"We're All In This Together"..?

A group of 31 Metropolitan Police officers are facing a £200 fixed penalty notice after breaching Covid-19 regulations while on duty.


Earlier this month, the Met received an allegation that a number of officers had their hair cut by a professional barber while at Bethnal Green police station. The incident happened on Sunday 17 January. A local investigation was launched and it has been decided the 31 police officers who had their haircut should each face a £200 fixed penalty notice.

I'd say it's beyond belief, but actually, it's perfectly in keeping with the modern police farce, isn't it? Especially the Met. 

Local policing commander, Detective Chief Superintendent Marcus Barnett (Ed: Really..?!?), said: “It is deeply disappointing and frustrating that my officers have fallen short of the expectation to uphold Covid-19 regulations. ”

I'm sure it is, Marcus ol' chum. But it really shouldn't be surprising, now, should it..? 

The brave boys in blue so eager to run off women who dare to sit in the fresh air in a park for ten minutes have form for deciding the rules don't apply to them


  1. I'm torn here. On one hand I don't see that they did anything wrong, the ever fluid lockdown rules serve no useful purpose other than screwing everybody's life up. On the other hand, a group of people who delight in inflicting this crap on everyone else deserve to get it good and hard.

  2. On duty?
    They get paid to have haircuts?
    And who polishes their shoes and presses their uniforms?
    Silly me. Nobody.

  3. The Met - a breed of pig with two faces; both ugly.

  4. If any of those waiting for their turn in the barber's chair were drinking coffee, they should be fined another £200 'for having a picnic'!

  5. Come on down Melvin it's an open goal.

  6. ''s an open goal.'

    It matters not a jot when you are goalie, WC Jaded. Most shots pass right over your head.

  7. There is a condition in pigs caused by being cooped up in bad conditions called 'Anal biting', where the stressed porcines take big bites out of each other's anuses. It seems to be the case that in this incident, the Met pigs have bitten their own arses, for a change. I don't agree with the lunatic and increasingly irrational lockdown rules but it is good to see the Met falling foul of them rather than overzealously enforcing these rules on the increasingly and unnecessarily harassed British subject.

  8. Such things have always gone on. The difference now is you have some jobsworth manager trying to make a name for themselves. It's well known that if you can cause trouble for a uniform or better still get one the sack your promotion is assured.

  9. "It's well known that if you can cause trouble for a uniform or better still get one the sack your promotion is assured."

    The principle is sound but it's news to me. Could this be my big opportunity to collect cheques and bonuses whilst sacking the lot?

  10. If it's news to you MTG may I respectfully suggest you spend a little more time in the real world. Either that or spend a little less time in management meetings and management training courses.

  11. Wishful thinking time:
    Wouldn't it be good if every police force published a document each week showing, week on week, how many Covid fines (and how much!) have been issued, cancelled and how much of the money has been collected.
    Nah, it'd never work.

  12. "If it's news to you MTG may I respectfully suggest you spend..."

    You have my leave to respectfully suggest anything, dear.

  13. "I'm torn here. On one hand I don't see that they did anything wrong..."

    I'm not. If we have to obey stupid rules, they should be held to them too.

    "They get paid to have haircuts?
    And who polishes their shoes and presses their uniforms?"

    Have you seen a modern copper? 🤣

    "If any of those waiting for their turn in the barber's chair were drinking coffee, they should be fined another £200 'for having a picnic'!"

    Heh! The biter bit!

    "I don't agree with the lunatic and increasingly irrational lockdown rules but it is good to see the Met falling foul of them..."

    Spot on! They might learn something.
