Thursday 21 January 2021

Maybe You Should Start Prosecuting Them For Wasting Police Time Instead?

Detective Constable Mahmudha Ali, from the Met's Central West Command Unit, said: 'This case highlights how third party reporting has ensured a violent domestic perpetrator can be convicted without evidence being given by the victim.'

Well, I wouldn't slap yourself on the back so soon, Mahmudha. Chances are good you'll be seeing her again. 

Ms Galwin-Russell refused to give evidence against Hewitt, but he was convicted of assault by beating last month.
Hewitt, who denied the charges, was sentenced to an 18-month community order, 250 hours of unpaid work and a 25 day rehabilitation activity requirement.

Because he'll be out and she seems incapable of learning: 

Police had been called to the couple's Kilburn flat three times in April over harassment claims and an allegation of criminal damage, Westminster Magistrates' Court heard.
'There is a history of domestic reports in this case between the complainant and the defendant, said Robert Simpson, prosecuting.
'There were three call-outs from arguments in April 2020, including harassment and criminal damage to the mother's property.
'They've been intermittently staying together in isolation.'



  1. When the first callout happens, the victim should be given a leaflet and a warning that the police will not bother attending again
