Tuesday 19 January 2021

Pray, Pray For The Labour Party PR Team!

Because they are in a dark place right now: 

It beggars belief that anyone could possibly have greenlighted this in the first place. 

So why did they? Terminally tone-deaf? Sabotage? Who knows. All I know is it lasted about as long as a doughnut in Sharon's kitchen... 


  1. Apart from everything, what a wonderful thing nationalised dentistry is

  2. I know that this is funny in its own way but there is another point. All the stuff that the evel torris are doing to roger the economy, Labour think that they should be doing more of. They don't have any suggestions for solving the hardships that they are supposedly highlighting they are advocating making them even worse.

  3. What part of 'Do not use someone who is morbidly obese to illustrate starvation' did Labour not understand. This video was just inviting mockery and it was mockery that this video got.

  4. It's the natural result of of enforcing group think via mob thuggery. There's no one left in their loony cult who can say'hang on a minute...'.

  5. You shouldn't really laugh. Inside every fat woman, there's a thin woman. Usually because the fat woman has eaten her!

  6. "There's no way I'm walking to the chippie at 4:30. It's getting dark and I might get raped."

    I can see her case for a DHSS cab, or a bright torch to light up that Supermoon.

  7. I think the government should continue paying the extra £20 until lockdown lifts as then the weather will be warmer (hopefully) so people won't need their heating/lighting on indoors so much and
    if the money is then put into the economy to create jobs that would be a better thing to do so people on benefits can try to get themselves into work.

    I know Boris has got a huge headache with this coronavirus thing, but if he is the clever man I believe he is, he will get his thinking cap on.

    I will bet anybody who disagrees with me that the people who hold power worldwide within the next few years will make the lives of people and planet a better place. We should start seeing the effects from about 3 years onwards.

  8. Poor bitch, she's on a starvation diet at the moment, and has only put on 10 lbs this week ....

  9. I'm 62 and so I was growing up in the sixties and seventies. My parents worked bloody hard to make sure that me and my two brothers were provided for. We never went hungry and they never blagged a single penny from charity or from the state. In those days most people would have been thoroughly ashamed not to be able to provide for their own. Having worked for half a century while having half of my honestly earned income confiscated by the state I think that I might have earned the right to not give a toss about this woman.

  10. "...what a wonderful thing nationalised dentistry is"


    "They don't have any suggestions for solving the hardships that they are supposedly highlighting they are advocating making them even worse."

    Their voters are hardly likely to notice this...

    "This video was just inviting mockery and it was mockery that this video got."

    Clearly, some bright spark really believed that old saying that any publicity is better than none at all!

    "There's no one left in their loony cult who can say'hang on a minute...'."

    Or dares to...

    "I will bet anybody who disagrees with me that the people who hold power worldwide within the next few years will make the lives of people and planet a better place."

    Well, Biden's off to a great start!


    Stop laughing there at the back!

    "Having worked for half a century while having half of my honestly earned income confiscated by the state I think that I might have earned the right to not give a toss about this woman."

    Join the club! It's large, and growing larger every day. Like Sharon.
