Tuesday 19 January 2021

Useless And Unfit For Purpose...

Joan Ruddick, 69, was walking back home after a festive meal with relatives when her Pomeranian was suddenly savaged by a Staffordshire bull terrier.
It took three people to prise the animal's jaws off Honey, including officers from a passing police patrol on Parr Stocks Road in St Helens.

Well, at least they'll now take action, since they were at the scene. Right?


The family said police told them no criminal action could be taken against the Staffy owner because it wasn't an attack on a person.
This morning, Merseyside Police confirmed they were pursuing a civil action, but because a person wasn't "left in fear" during the incident, it is not classed as a crime.

Utter bollocks, you are fobbing off the owners because you are useless, incompetent lazy bastards who don't even know the law you are supposed to uphold. 

And...she wasn't 'left in fear'?

Mrs Ruddick added: "I'll never forget what happened, I couldn't stop shaking."


Every single one of you involved in this decision isn't fit to wear a uniform or take taxpayer's money. You are a disgrace.  


  1. Worthless police. I bet you any money that Merseyside police would have definitely found a crime had some Mohammedan complained to them that they had been insulted by a non Muslim.

  2. Such examples fully merit the vilification of plod. Can nobody rid us of these turbulent tossers?

  3. Tue enough, mostly useless and unfit in every respect. But to be fair, most of the filth are skiving, many having already submitted sickies for 'chronic knee blistering'.

  4. Before I retired my job involved fixing things. Some things are easy to fix, some things are difficult to fix. It wasn't an option to just pick the easy ones and fix those. Paying customers don't pay if you try to pretend that your job isn't your job. In any case, solving difficult and challenging problems was quite satisfying, where is the fun in just doing the easy stuff?

  5. Personally, I think that in many cases, Plod are working against the ordinary people of this country, but might they just be right regarding the law in this case? It's not that the dog attacked a human.

    Aren't Pomeranians, Chihuahuas and the like not recognised by other dogs as mutants? Or victims? I have a friend who looks like a victim, and she gets picked on all the time.

    But then a Staffie needs a muzzle in a public place, and to be on a lead.

    I have no sympathy for the Staffie owner, and precious little for the victim's owner.

  6. Truly did Mr. Brownlow mutter, “The law is an ass.”

  7. Chop chop Julia....there's another anti police story in the Mail today. Nine officers fined in Greenwich.
    Melvin will be in a feeding frenzy and his Latin quotes will be in overdrive

  8. @ WC Jaded

    Plod hypocrisy? Always acting as if the Law never applies to them?.... Nah.

  9. No revenue to be gathered here = no interest.

  10. "I bet you any money that Merseyside police would have definitely found a crime had some Mohammedan complained to them that they had been insulted by a non Muslim."

    Absolutely! 😡

    "...solving difficult and challenging problems was quite satisfying, where is the fun in just doing the easy stuff?"

    Clearly, a 'work ethic' isn't required in the police farce any longer.

    "...but might they just be right regarding the law in this case? It's not that the dog attacked a human."

    No. They lobbied for extra powers because they couldn't charge people under the old DDA. Now they have the new ones, the lazy bastards are STILL skiving and fobbing off victims.

    The law no longer states that a human has to be injured for them to act. They need to start applying it.

    "Truly did Mr. Brownlow mutter, “The law is an ass.”"

    The law has been beefed up. Sadly, those tasked with enforcing it...haven't.

    "Nine officers fined in Greenwich."

    Curious case that. I agree with fining them, but...what about the cafe owner, for allowing it?
