Tuesday 9 March 2021

Brighton's Answer To Judge Samantha Leigh...

Step forward, Judge Shani Barnes! Her latest case?

Rowan Hudson attempted to rob the Costa Coffee in London Road, Brighton, and robbed Burger King on the seafront.
Both incidents happened in front of “terrified” families and young children. Staff at both venues were left shaken and in tears.
The “unstable” 32-year-old was arrested by police and said: “I don’t care, f*** Costa Coffee, f*** Burger King”.
But the former soldier who served in Afghanistan was given a suspended prison sentence because of his struggles with post traumatic stress and the time he has spent in prison waiting for his case to be heard.
At Brighton Crown Court Her Honour Judge Shani Barnes told Hudson: “There will not be another chance.”
Unless he's up before you...


  1. I might agree with his opinions on Costa Coffee and Burger King however eloquently put, I was in Costa only two days ago and after receiving a "Mocha" without sugar or the means to stir it, requested both and had them put down in front of me on the wet counter, with all their social distancing requirements they have a remarkable disregard for basic hygiene, as for Burger King, don't go there....

  2. Even Jaded knows that any prospect of a custodial sentence is simply a joke. If the government has directed that custodial sentences will not be imposed, even when such are richly deserved, the judiciary are not at fault, Julia.

    That a government can afford to cosset illegal immigrants in hotel accommodation, together with permanent financial freebies that make most pensioners gasp, is equally incredulous. Appropriate measures to punish and rehabilitate the miscreants from whom innocent victims need serious protection, needs the highest priority. Regardless of its political signals, the emergency construction of camps to house criminals and illegal immigrants in one place, is more than justified.

  3. Unfortunately prison does not resolve a person's mental problems. It just gives them a criminal record and once they have that they see little point in going straight.

    Can anyone tell me if there is continual mandatory medical/instructive meetings for people who commit crimes usually due to mental health problems? If not, isn't it about time there was? Surely a set up to help stop (re) offending is better than spending time in prison where there is very little help.

  4. "I might agree with his opinions on Costa Coffee and Burger King..."

    He's clearly not entirely mad! 🤣

    "That a government can afford to cosset illegal immigrants in hotel accommodation, together with permanent financial freebies that make most pensioners gasp, is equally incredulous."

    Fully agree.

    "Unfortunately prison does not resolve a person's mental problems. It just gives them a criminal record ..."

    It does a little more than that. It gives the public respite - however brief - from their antics.
