Tuesday 9 March 2021

Yeah, That's Bound To Help...

A police force has revealed an action plan involving [redacted] to crackdown on criminals behind surging numbers of dog thefts since the start of the pandemic.

Bet you can't guess..! 

A police force has revealed an action plan involving monitoring social media to crackdown on criminals behind surging numbers of dog thefts since the start of the pandemic.

Yes, of course. Staying indoors in the warm and dry, clicking a mouse, rather than kicking down doors on the local traveller site. It's a no-brainer, isn't it? 

Insp Knox said he believed the 19 dogs reported as stolen across Darlington and County Durham over the past year did not represent the volume of thefts because some owners were not reporting their pets’ disappearance to police.
Insp Knox said: “It’s a massive confidence issue. Dogs are part of the family and it hurts owners more than say their car being broken into or some damage to their premises.”

Perhaps they don't bother reporting them because for years, police have played down the crimes and claimed they were urban legends spread by hysterical pet owners on social media? And some forces are still doing this!


  1. Well I am not a police officer and I bloody know already who is nicking dogs, a certain community that keep them at the entrance to their traveller site so it barks then the next one barks and so on throughout the site as anyone approaches so they can hide their firearms etc in good time

  2. Or maybe it's a question of where is the nearest Korean restaurant?

  3. The Police sitting on their backsides at computers and not bothering with real crime is the reason many crimes are not reported. This suits the so called Police fine as it reduces reported crime giving the illusion they are bringing crime down while they are doing no such thing. Even online crime is sky rocketing so their sitting at computers is just a waste of time as well, some Police force we are paying for.

  4. Crime is 'going down' because folk prefer to ignore law enforcement agencies. The only incentive for wasting the cost of a call to plod is the insurance claim prerequisite of a crime number. Otherwise, those bothering with this 'service' are no brighter than a typical cunstable; a cretin characterized by stupid or careless mistakes.

    Plod's XXXL arse is firmly planted on an XXXL cushion whilst his evil Union seeks kudos by exploiting this situation.

  5. Social media is the only thing preventing a complete breakdown of law and order. Posts about stolen dogs, cars, tools etc often result in the abandonment of whatever has been stolen when they are made "too hot to handle". Stolen cars are also spotted while they are left to see if they have a tracker fitted.

  6. "Well I am not a police officer and I bloody know already who is nicking dogs..."

    There appears to be an Eastern European element too, from the reports...

    "Or maybe it's a question of where is the nearest Korean restaurant?"

    Given the price of designer mutts, it'd be like cooking a giant panda!

    "The Police sitting on their backsides at computers and not bothering with real crime is the reason many crimes are not reported. "

    Spot on!

    "Social media is the only thing preventing a complete breakdown of law and order."

    The proliferation of online 'Neighbourhood Watch' sites proves it. They wouldn't exist if they weren't filling a need.
