Wednesday 10 March 2021

He Might Be 'Very Bright', But The Jury's Still Out...

Gregory Bull, defending his actions, told the magistrate at the time that Tanudjojo had been temporarily banned from the site where he was studying for a doctorate degree because of the incident.
Pleading with the magistrates, he described the gun enthusiast as ‘highly, highly talented’ and said: “It would be a tragedy for our community at large if the sentence would deter the university from continuing his studies.”
Mr Bull even argued against a more lenient community order sentence, saying: “The effect of a community sentence would damage his prospects and would send the wrong message to the college and to the hospital.”

And it worked, he was immediately granted leniency, with the magistrate confidently making a prediction that I hope keeps her up at night: 

Sentencing him to a fine of £400, which the magistrate explained would be ‘equivalent’ to a community order, she said: “It was a really stupid moment of madness. I am confident it is unlikely to happen again.”

Half-right, I guess. He learned his lesson in one respect - no more 'Rambo', a bit more 'Scarface' this time: 

A 'very bright’ PhD student that was let off with a fine for carrying an air gun at the John Radcliffe Hospital in a ‘stupid moment of madness’ has now appeared in the dock again.
This time, Benedict Tanudjojo, of London Road, Headington, admitted importing hundreds of grammes of cannabis oil into the UK. The 25-year-old was charged with one count of importing a controlled class B drug with intent to evade a prohibition or restriction.

Whoops! Have the magistrates learned their lesson, at least?

Reader, they have not... 

At Oxford Magistrates’ Court on January 11, Tanudjojo was fined £880 and ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £80 plus court costs of £85.
Magistrates’ have the power to jail somebody for a maximum of six months, but they can also impose a fine for the offence of up to £20,000 or three times the value of the goods, if it is higher.



  1. Person of no description = BAME, from the name, probably a dark key

  2. "Person of no description = BAME, from the name, probably a dark key"

    Almost certainly!
