Sunday 28 February 2021

Dog, Dug...

Barley, a golden Lab, had wanted to play with a rabbit - but unaware of the dangers, he followed it under the train line fencing at Magnolia Road, Rochford.
The pooch then became unable to squeeze back through and was left stuck behind the fencing.
Thankfully, Essex Police officer PC Roy Porter was patrolling the area at the time and with the aid of a shovel, the officer digged to get Barley back to safety.



  1. Lucky you do not read the Cambridge News, whose "journalists", when they are not cut and pasting, which seems to comprise about 90% of their journalistic efforts, are instead mangling the English language. You would be tearing your hair out with frustration at the simple spelling mistakes and other errors.

    A recent effort was about some local beauty spots to visit around Cambridgeshire.

    This particular hack was "blown away" on at least three occasions regarding these places, the best he could come up with. Must have been a windy day.

  2. What country did this happen in? We don't have train lines here in the UK, we have railway lines.

  3. Reassuring to see that we have such dogged police.

  4. This couldn't have worked out better if Plod Roy had planted the pooch himself for the courageous posing and publicity shots. Oh, hang on...

  5. "Lucky you do not read the Cambridge News..."

    I'll start right now!

    "Reassuring to see that we have such dogged police."

