Sunday 28 February 2021

"Four Paws, A Wet Nose, A Waggly Tail..."

"That's all we need, right, copy editor?"
A heroic couple who rescued a missing dog that had been lost in snow-covered mountains for two weeks has been reported to the police for supposedly breaking lockdown rules.
Ciara Nolan and Jean-Francois Bonnet found eight-year-old golden retriever Neesha near a summit in the Wicklow Mountains, Ireland, on February 6.


H/T: Longrider via email


  1. It is a shame that they didn't publish the name of the snitch. Such people really are beneath contempt. Who were they going to infect on a mountain?

  2. " Such people really are beneath contempt. Who were they going to infect on a mountain?"

    Exactly! We've turned into a nation of busybodies.
