Wednesday 10 February 2021

Import The Third World, Get Third World Neighbourhoods...

...the sort of neighbourhoods where this is commonplace:
Two girls aged two and three were rushed to hospital in Birmingham after being mauled by an escaped guard dog in a shocking street attack.
The two girls were both injured during the attack in the Saltley area of the city, with one dragged around in the dog's mouth 'like a rag doll'.
It is understood that a guard dog escaped from nearby business premises before attacking the two girls.

If that's a genuine trained guard dog, I'll eat my hat. It's a mutt, untrained, probably kept as - well, not a pet, even - more like a four-legged burglar alarm. Scenes like these are common in Delhi and Karachi.  

This, however, is Birmingham, Alum Rock, to be precise. But the only difference is that the weather isn't as warm.

Police said the animal has been seized.

Why? Why wasn't an ARV despatched? I know they have a lousy track record, but this is ridiculous! If not for passers-by coming to the rescue, this would have been worse.


  1. There is a certain demographic, renowned for their antipathy to canines and their brutal attitudes towards all animals, who should not be permitted to keep even a goldfish.

    It would be far better were these "owners" the targets of the ARV rather than some mistreated miserable cur.

    "Pour encourager les autres"

  2. Yet another reason for Clarkson's Law.

  3. "It would be far better were these "owners" the targets of the ARV rather than some mistreated miserable cur."

    I think we've enough bullets to go round...

    "Yet another reason for Clarkson's Law."

