Wednesday 10 February 2021

"Two worlds, one family..."

Gym goers? We'll do you like harp seal pups, you covid-breakers! 

A police raid on a gym in Liverpool which breached Covid rules by refusing to close saw officers pin a man to the floor and wield batons at customers and staff who attempted to flee.

Travellers? Let us close the road for you!

Up to 200 mourners ignored the coronavirus lockdown by amassing outside a church to attend a funeral today as families paid their respects to a tree surgeon who was crushed to death by heavy machinery at work.
Witnesses described travellers binning social distancing rules and drinking en masse, with even children reportedly seen carrying boxes of Stella Artois beer, at the funeral of Daniel White in Cheshunt, Hertfordshire.
Bikers revved their engines while police were pictured down Churchgate road as a funeral cortege led by Mitsubishis proceeded to St Mary the Virgin Church, where elaborate floral arrangements were laid.

They couldn't make it any clearer, could they? They will treat people not according to the law, but according to the whims of whichever cowardly commissioner or commander heads them up. 

They aren't a service. They are a gang.  


  1. The funeral of the "tree surgeon"* sounds much more like a gang of piss-taking gypos than a normal service. Wall to wall scrotes getting pissed up and ruining other peoples lives as per their standard procedure. Sorry Julia, I can see the coppers having been caught between two stones on this one.

    * Hire a pikey to do your tree, get an overpriced incompetent knacker who doesn't know his business, ask me how I know this!

  2. Actually Robert I think Julia was just pointing out the discrepancy in how the rules are applied by all the police and it appears that if you have enough people on your side you win but if you are law abiding you lose because you will most likely pay the fine.

  3. Typical of Policing in UK today, one law for one group another for those who are normally law abiding. Always go for the easy targets is the way now, I used to be a avid supporter of the Police but now they are no threat to the criminals and spend their time preying on the motorists etc. and I have no regard for them at all.

  4. I think that equity before the law is an essential component of any civilised society. If you don't have it you aren't going to have civilisation for very much longer. The same goes for freedom of thought and expression, recently Stephen Pinker has commented on societies that descended into dystopia, Germany and the USSR, were characterized by people being afraid to speak out for fear of persecution. What were perceived as unpopular opinions were not unpopular at all, it was only that people were afraid to express them. If I had had any friends who were in the police force I would be telling them that I no longer wish to have anything to do with them and why.

  5. @ Stonyground.

    I'm afraid that you can't express an opinion like the one above, Sir!
    Why, this will only infuriate our resident plod.

    Furthermore, criticism or the suggestion of disapprobation is an offence under Section 2 of the Police Propaganda and Censorship Act and made up as following: any person making a statement of such a nature that it must reasonably be assumed to have been produced solely or principally for the purpose of undermining police, which is grossly offensive to any rank of constable or above, or is otherwise of a depraved and corrupt character, portrays in an explicit and realistic way, police as less than perfect.


  6. "...I can see the coppers having been caught between two stones on this one."

    There's only one: the law. It should always be applied equally. Or others might get the idea that violence and agression gets you left alone.

    " appears that if you have enough people on your side you win but if you are law abiding you lose because you will most likely pay the fine."

    Exactly! And that's a dangerous attitude to allow to spread.

    "I think that equity before the law is an essential component of any civilised society."

    As you point out, we can see where societies go when it's lost.
