Saturday 20 February 2021

The Definition Of 'Key Workers' Is Stretched A Bit Too Far Here...

Cycle couriers will NOT be made exempt from rules against cycling on pedestrianised streets in York - despite calls from a union for permits to allow riders to cycle through the city centre.

Well, good! But you know there's a 'but' coming, don't you?

But City of York Council will look at whether couriers delivering food and other services by bike should be allowed to cycle on pedestrianised streets in future.

I'm not sure that No 23's chicken tikka getting a little bit cooler is worth a pensioner being run down by one of these two wheeled maniacs..  

York's pedestrian zone was extended under emergency powers during the pandemic and cyclists are not allowed to cycle on pedestrian streets during the hours 10.30am to 5pm during lockdown or Tier 3 restrictions or 10.30am to 8pm at other times.
But cycle couriers say that having to walk their bicycles along these streets causes delays and costs them earnings.

Get another job, then. 

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