Friday 19 February 2021

Left Hand, Right Hand...

...of the NHS bureacracy:
One worker, who did not wish to named, estimated that more than 100 nursery workers who had appointments were refused the jab.
She said: "On Friday, staff at the NHS 119 service confirmed we are social care frontline key workers who can access the vaccine.
"Other nursery staff around the country then booked online for their vaccine, and many successfully received it - including in Eastbourne and Crawley.
"But Brighton Centre is turning nursery staff away from booked appointments as they don’t recognise the sector as being able to access it."

So one part of the vast apparatus of the NHS is telling staff 'It's fine, go ahead!' while the other is all 'Computer says 'no'..'. 

Sounds just about right. 

Another nursery worker said she had called the NHS 119 booking service three times to "triple check" she was eligible for the jab. She said: "It was confirmed on the phone I was eligible and I should keep my booking.
"But on Saturday morning at least 12 nursery workers I know were turned away by staff at the Brighton Centre and told the information which had led them all to make the booking was false."

Like a lot of the information coming from the NHS! But if it's only the bonkers principality of California-on-Sea, it's not that much of a problem, is it? 

Yesterday it was reported that hundreds of social care professionals, including nursery workers, were turned away from appointments at the Kassam Stadium in Oxford over the weekend, having booked appointments.


The Professional Association for Childcare and Early Years (PACEY) issued a joint statement with the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) and the Early Years Alliance on Friday.
It stated that the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) had not changed its definition of who is included in its social care worker group as prioritised for vaccination and that early years and childcare practitioners, including nannies and childminders, are not included in this group.

Maybe you should ring NHS 119 and tell them that. They don't appear to have got the memo... 


  1. I have to say, 'why bother' since the jab doesn't guarantee that you won't get Wu-flu or that if you do get it you won't pass it on.

    This whole Wu-flu panic is a cover up for something else like just how well the population can be controlled.

  2. "This whole Wu-flu panic is a cover up for something else like just how well the population can be controlled."

    Yes and it's been so brilliantly successful that it has knocked Global Warming / Climate Change / The Climate Crisis into the runner's up position. They are still keeping GW/CC/TCC on the back burner in case it's needed in the future, although it will be fun to watch them trying to explain how CO2 warming the atmosphere is making it colder.

  3. "I have to say, 'why bother' since the jab doesn't guarantee that you won't get Wu-flu or that if you do get it you won't pass it on."

    I suppose because pretty soon, you'll have to have it to get a job or service from a state arm. They'll see to that.

    "This whole Wu-flu panic is a cover up for something else like just how well the population can be controlled."

    And the answer is 'very well indeed', I'm sad to say.

    " has knocked Global Warming / Climate Change / The Climate Crisis into the runner's up position. "

    Like the Terminator, they'll be back.

  4. "Like the Terminator, they'll be back."

    It can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse, and it absolutely will not stop until your quality of life has been completely trashed.
