Friday 19 February 2021

Well, They Have Had A Lot Of Practice...

In mitigation their barristers argued their clients had been raised in the care system and pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding at an early opportunity.

They know there will be leniency automatically applied for it even better than their mouthpieces... 

Dyson appeared via videolink from HMP Elmley after being sentenced for 30 months in a Young Offenders’ Institute for attempted robbery last year.
Turner, who appeared in person, had recently been released on license after serving a custodial term for attempted robbery.

That worked well, didn't it?  

Judge Rupert Lowe sympathised with their unsettled childhoods but stressed violence of this nature will land offenders in prison.

Just not for long. 

Dyson, of Peall Road, Croydon, was sentenced to 18 months custody.
Turner,of Bromley Road, London, was handed 12 months custody to be served consecutively with his current custodial spell.

Told you! 


  1. At the risk of sounding like a Daily Mail hang em flog em, I would like to see the parents found and sterilised

  2. Diet, exercise, video games, etc. etc. the state loves to tell the rest of us how we should be raising our kids. Since the state is such an authority on this matter, you would expect that children raised by the state would turn out to be model citizens.

    It is a liberal progressive argument that criminals aren't responsible for their actions but victims of the system. I would normally disagree but, in the case of those who were raised by the state, it would appear that they are set up for failure. Maybe we should pass sentences that have to be served by their feckless parents.

  3. Turner was resident on my borough. Absolute vermin and he will feature often on these pages.

  4. ",,,I would like to see the parents found and sterilised"

    Mother's probably easier to find than 'dad'...

    "Since the state is such an authority on this matter, you would expect that children raised by the state would turn out to be model citizens."

    Well, quite!

    "Turner was resident on my borough. Absolute vermin and he will feature often on these pages."

    Of that, I have little doubt, sadly.
