Friday 19 March 2021

Are You Kidding Me..?

A woman has been sentenced after a court heard she failed to stop her ex-partner trying to drown a dog, but charges against him were dropped.

Errr, why? 

The court was told Charlene Latham pleaded with her ex-partner Leigh Johnson not to drown Bella, but he refused and she did not get help. The RSPCA said it did not have enough evidence to prosecute Mr Johnson.

But it did have enough to prosecute her? Well, no, she admitted it, and they clearly didn't fancy spending any of the donations that little old ladies send them in to prosecute monsters like these when they could spend them on a swanky headquarters instead.

Like the CPS and the police farces, they simply go for low-hanging fruit...  

Luc Chignell, defending Latham, said: "The person who committed this is not here and that is not her fault."
Latham has since suffered "relentless abuse" on social media, which led to police advising her to leave her home, the court heard.

Those are consequences, and they are a little harsh, it's true, but why aren't we told that the same is true of the perpetrator? 

Latham was given a 12-month community order and told to pay an £80 fine, £32 victim surcharge, and £200 in costs. She was also banned from keeping dogs for three years.

Because after three years she'll be fine and dandy? 


  1. I'm surprised the RSPCA bothered to get involved - no mention of a camera crew . . . .

  2. News worthy I guess but such stories are common in UK today. Nobody who is awake to what goes on around them will be at all surprised, the police and practically every other organization is only concerned with revenue gathering. When it comes to raking it in always go for the easy ones is the name of the game and to hell with justice its just too much like hard work.

  3. It seems to be an injustice to nail this woman while letting the actual perpetrator off scott free.

  4. "I'm surprised the RSPCA bothered to get involved - no mention of a camera crew . ."

    There was a LOT of publicity at the time!

    "Nobody who is awake to what goes on around them will be at all surprised..."

    Indeed not...

    "It seems to be an injustice to nail this woman while letting the actual perpetrator off scott free."

    Yes, no #pussypass for her!
