Friday 19 March 2021

The Mistake Would Be To Think That It's Just Amazon...

Ross Douthat, a columnist with the New York Times suggested Amazon was 'conducting an experiment in what they can get away with.'

Well, they are, yes. Because they - and all other large corporations - can get away with a hell of a lot, after all, so long as they are with the cancel culture mob, and not against them... 

The author responded with fury to Amazon's explanation of the ban, saying the company had relied upon mischaracterizations from his critics.
'Amazon appears to have never read my book, but relied on hit pieces. As I pointed out before: “Please quote the passage where I ‘call them mentally ill.’ You can’t quote that passage because it doesn’t exist,"' tweeted Anderson.
'Gender dysphoria is listed in the APA’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which Amazon sells. So the real deciding factor seems to be whether you endorse hormones and surgery as the proper treatment or counseling,' wrote the author.

We long ago left logic behind, sadly. 


  1. This is just proof that the Republican establishment are as useless as the Tory version. The giveaway is that supposed conservative writers like Douchehat never use the 'M' word.

    If J D Sports can't take over Foot Asylum as that would give it too big a share of the over-priced shoe market, how can Amazon not deserve the Standard Oil treatment?


  2. Drunken PC Oliver Banfield of West Midlands Police, conducted an experiment in what plod can get away with when attacking a defenceless woman in a dark street and later attempting to represent the violence as a 'lawful arrest'.

    Because West Midlands police can get away with murder?

  3. "This is just proof that the Republican establishment are as useless as the Tory version. "

    I never doubted that, sadly...

    "Because West Midlands police can get away with murder?"

    They have in the past!
