Wednesday 24 March 2021

You Gambled, You Lost...

Bonny Turner, whose rape case was dropped by the CPS, said: “I feel shocked, devastated and angry that the court has sided with the CPS and refused to uphold EVAW’s claim that the CPS have failed victims of rape … there have been demands for more convictions and tougher sentences for male violence against females, but none of that is achievable until we look upstream in the criminal justice system and prosecute more cases.”

And if that's what happens, the ratio will drop further. The CPS proceed with cases they think they'll win, or it's in the public interest to prosecute.  

The case was crowdfunded with thousands of small donations, many from women whose rape cases did not make it to court. The claimants will now be expected to pay £75,000 in costs and a CPS spokesperson confirmed it would seek costs in order to fulfil its “responsibility to the taxpayer to recoup costs from legal action which we always argued was without merit”.

Good. I hope they don't manage to screw this one up, because it's about time these single-issue looks started paying the price for their antics. 


  1. Bonnie, didn't she do "Total Eclipse of the Heart" ?

  2. "Demands for more convictions" go against every principle of natural justice. The accused is either guilty or not guilty, the only way you can get more convictions just by demanding them is to arbitrarily change some of the not guilty verdicts to guilty ones. These principles are pretty fundamental and not at all difficult to understand.

  3. End Violence Against Women - something that in general, I approve of. But in should really be EVAAP - ending in 'All People'. But if a particular person initiates violence, then I'm happy for them to have the sit beaten out of them in reply.

    I'm particularly against false accusations, so that if the accused is found not guilty, their accuser should lose all aninymity, and also get the penalty that the accused faced. It shouldn't be a no risk strategy to falsely accuse someone.

  4. Accusations, I will be happy when that includes accusations of racism with severe penalties for those who live off this

  5. Sorting out the genuine from the spurious - that requires the wisdom of Solomon, something I’m not sure any in the public sphere have today.

    1. Once when I was looking for a masochistic challenge I actually read the Bible from cover to cover. When I got to the bit about Solomon I was quite looking forward to reading about his legendary wisdom. What you actually get is, Solomon was wise, he was really really really wise, wisest of the wise was he, ooh he was wise. The only example of this awesome wisdom is that he once threatened to chop a baby in half. He also built a really impressive temple that was a bit like a nineteenth century Methodist chapel. Impressive for the time presumably.

  6. Since the object of the modern justice system seems to be to raise money for the state and provide comfortable jobs with decent incomes for the police and the lawyers this isn't going to change any time soon.

  7. I believe Solomon had 700 wives, does not sound very clever to me, I have just one and she does not suffer from stress but is a carrier

  8. ""Demands for more convictions" go against every principle of natural justice. "

    But the woke crowd prefer unnatural justice...

    "Sorting out the genuine from the spurious - that requires the wisdom of Solomon, something I’m not sure any in the public sphere have today."

    They don't have even the wisdom of Homer.

    Simpson, that is...
