Wednesday 24 March 2021

I Bet Jolyon Maugham Opened A Bottle Of Champers Early This Morning...

Because it seems the former UK's most reviled QC has now lost his title - to a woman. 

Specifically, Ms Patterned Leggings, whose dog mauled a seal before she took to her heels and fled back to her £5.8 million pound abode to get on the phone to ensure she'd be protected by the Establishment from any consequences:
The Oxford-educated QC who was in charge of the dog that savaged Freddie the seal says she has spoken to the police and the RSPCA who told her no crime has been committed.
On Tuesday, her lawyers said she made contact with police after the attack and was referred to the RSPCA, and was told no offence had occurred.

How long after the attack? Because, as reported that morning, the police were either unaware or this, or lying: 

Earlier, the Met Police told MailOnline that officers were investigating the death and 'looking to identify witnesses and to speak to the owner of the dog involved'.

And...why is she so sure there's no case to answer? Are there no penalties for this sort of thing? 

The person in control of a dog that chases or attacks farm animals can be fined up to £1,000, or £2,500 if the offence was deliberate. Similar fines apply to attacks on wild animals.

Perhaps it's something that never gets applied, because it's hard to prove? 

...earlier this year a dog owner was fined £500 after their Irish setter puppy mauled a deer in Richmond Park.

So her confidence would seem misplaced. Wouldn't it? In a fair world, anyway. 


  1. Yes, it certainly reeks and I despair there's so little else to say. Only the surface ripples remain evidence of the filthiest crud of a rotten establishment were very busy making sure the laws of the land they demand others follow, never apply to themselves.

  2. She has cold dead eyes. Typical barrister.

  3. She is one of the "establishment" its common knowledge that the law is only really applied to us peasants and not to our betters. Its a symptom of living in a monarchy with over 800 unelected Lords making law for the lower classes, might be different if this was a real democracy.

  4. Police will take NO further action against QC, 49, whose dog fatally savaged Freddie the seal – as owner says she is 'heartbroken' at 'terrible accident'

    Rebecca Sabben-Clare QC, 49, said she 'apologised unreservedly' and wished 'in hindsight' dog was on a lead

    Oh she's sorry that's all right then

    And this from the local authority responsible for another right of way with deer around:

    Thank you for your communication.
    The local authority has no legal powers to enforce dog owners to have their dog on a lead when using a right of way. If unleashed dogs stray off the legal line of the footpath then they are trespassing against the landowner and it would be for the landowner to take action against the dog owner.

    The best we can do is to place polite notices requesting dogs to be placed on a lead, but we have no legal powers to enforce this. It appears from your comments that there is already clear signage in situ and I have to say that it has been my experience that they are generally ineffective.

    It might be an idea to make contact with the landowner if you feel dogs are causing a problem off of the right of way? I am sorry that I cannot be of more help.

  5. "...making sure the laws of the land they demand others follow, never apply to themselves."

    It's the only time the bastards show an ounce of work ethic!

    "Oh she's sorry that's all right then"

    They learn that the establishment treats the words as if heartfelt on the first day of law school, clearly...
