Sunday 25 April 2021

Ah, The Labour Leader On Walkabout, Meeting Ordinary People...

Fancy a bacon sandwich now, I wonder why? 😉


  1. If an election offered me the choice between Labour or a dog turd on a stick, I think I'd choose the dog turd on a stick as it is less likely to screw my country over than Labour. Come to think of it I hold the same view of the Tories these days.

    Starmer's 'man of the people' act can readily be seen to be false, not just by those with an interest in politics, but by anyone with more than two functioning brain cells.

  2. The sort of conduct that merited McDonalds lifetime ban award, made this man a prominent arse.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. If I hold the cone out there it will not drip on my expensive suit. I am not going to risk eating it anyway. My SPAD just handed it to me and said "Here, hold this. It's what your voters have at he seaside. And take your tie off. No I think a corner knotted hankie on the head would be going too far."

  5. "Come to think of it I hold the same view of the Tories these days."

    Indeed! It won't take much more meddling by Carrie until they are indistinguishable from Labour...

    " No I think a corner knotted hankie on the head would be going too far."

    Ah, if only my Photoshop skills were up to it!
