Sunday 25 April 2021

Two Lefts Don't Make A Right!

Unless you work for the photo section of the 'Mail', I guess...

H/T: Stephen Brown via email


  1. You have made some interesting posts regarding the police, I wonder if you saw this, also on the Mail online today:

    "Man, 55, who spent 17 years in jail for rape but always maintained his innocence gets major breakthrough in bid to clear his name after 'DNA tests show attacker is still-at-large'

    Andrew Malkinson, 55, found guilty of raping a woman in Manchester in 2003
    Former security guard spent 17 years in jail while maintaining he was innocent
    The jury convicted without DNA evidence, instead relying on witness accounts

    "The former security guard, now 55, was only released last December, having spent an extra ten years past his original tariff because he refused to admit the offence."

    And, most importantly:

    "Alongside the new DNA evidence, Greater Manchester Police (GMP) has also reportedly admitted it misled the court at the time by presenting two of its key witnesses as honest - despite having 16 convictions between them.

    The pair claimed they were able to identify Malkinson near to the scene of the attack. "

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. First one is your, observer's left, second one is his left. All right?

  4. Glazer, wasn't he on Crackerjack ? do they hand out pencils if the team win ?

  5. "I wonder if you saw this, also on the Mail online today:"

    I did indeed! No surprise to see it was GMP involved...
