Friday 9 April 2021

Double Standards...

Chelsea Kirtley was changing her 11-week-old son Theo’s nappy in 2017 when she spotted a mark on his stomach. Three inches long and pinkish-brown, Chelsea panicked.
Holly Kobayashi was suspected of harming her eight-day-old baby, Adventure, after he developed a bruise the size of a 5p piece on his left arm in September 2017.

And both women were totally innocent

It was only after she sought a second medical opinion that Theo was diagnosed with hypermobility — a genetic condition that can cause skin to break or damage easily, which had caused the mark on Theo’s stomach.
It took four months for Social Services to conclude that the bruise had been caused by accident. on earth do stories like this one happen? Why do social services turn a blind eye to cases like this, and go in like gangbusters on middle-class Englishwomen?

Was it 'cos they is white?


  1. Egotistical people like playing power games with people who try desperately to do the right thing.

  2. "Was it 'cos they is white?"

    Yes - in part. If Social Services cock up with whitey it's all forgotten in a millisecond ("lessons learned"). If Social Services cock up with anybody with "protected" characteristics, it's almost endless (but SS are exonerated in the end - "lessons learned" again). OTOH no-one in SS management suffers whatever the damage caused to its "clients" or the world at large (also known as the taxpayer).

  3. "Was it 'cos they is white?"

    Of course it is. No social worker is going to lose their job for taking a child away from a white mother, or accusing them of abusing/neglecting their child. Do that to a non-white mother and all manner of sh*t will descend on your head from a great height, especially if the social worker is white. So they see nothing and keep schtum when alarm bells start ringing regarding a non-white mother. Simple self preservation, nothing more. Plus of course if you're turning a blind eye to all the non-white cases of potential abuse you have to make sure you're keeping up your numbers elsewhere, so every little jot and tittle is investigated in the 'safe' cases.

  4. "Was it 'cos they is white?"

    Julia, Julia, Julia (said in my best Cary Grant impersonation). The answer is yes - absolutely.

    And it really won't end until all the involved parties (original doctor, social worker, supervisors) are all publicly named and subjected to a massive lawsuit and inquiry. But to do this you would need some sort of pro bono legal counsel which is not going to happen 'cos they is white. Full circle I'm afraid.

  5. Well, quite. Being Marxist tools, Social Services see everything through the prism of class war. Hence why when they get a chance to harass anyone who's white, middle class or believes in that Jesus stuff they're like a pitbull with the last steak on Earth.

    Meanwhile, when it comes to Victoria Climbe, Tori-Ann Byfeld or Asiah Kudy...'oo are we to say what's right and wrong anyway?

    It's their culture, init?

  6. I really do think that the perfect answer to all this is to legalise brothels. This young lady obviously likes being shagged, and being paid for it makes being a whore her dream job. After all, she could be shagged several times a night by different blokes and make a great living. What’s more, she wouldn’t even have to go out of the building! As far as people like me are concerned, she doesn’t need to be in somewhere paid for by the taxpayer, but she could actually pay her own tax. What’s not to like about that?
    And, given that she’d be living communally with a bunch of other whores, they could share the child raising duties. The brothel keeper could keep an eye on them all.
    One of the services that she could offer that I don’t think many would take her up on is to give oral sex - well, not with teeth like that!

  7. "Meanwhile, when it comes to Victoria Climbe, Tori-Ann Byfeld or Asiah Kudy...'oo are we to say what's right and wrong anyway?"

    Precisely. I'll bet that if a social worker had known the mother in the Brighton case was leaving her baby alone in order to go off on the razz and had started proceedings to remove the child they would have been rapped over the knuckles for being 'culturally insensitive' or even been accused of racism, which of course would be the end of their career in todays public employ. So is it any surprise when they 'don't see anything wrong' in such cases?

  8. I don't think it's purely "'Cos they is white?". This attitude of going after the "Easy" targets permeates through out officialdom - they know which groups won't fight back or pull the "Race Card", and those who ALWAYS "Know My Rights" innit...

  9. "Egotistical people like playing power games with people who try desperately to do the right thing."

    Haven't we seen this writ large with covid?

    "OTOH no-one in SS management suffers whatever the damage caused to its "clients" or the world at large (also known as the taxpayer)."

    Which is the crux of the problem...

    "It's their culture, init?"

    Spot on!

    "This attitude of going after the "Easy" targets permeates through out officialdom"

    It certainly does!
