Thursday 15 April 2021

It's Already Difficult To Recruit Male Teaching Staff...

The National Education Union's (NEU) annual conference heard that a 'toxic laddish culture' pervades the country's secondary schools and sexism 'stalks the corridors and classrooms'.

Gosh! Really? Just in class? When the bell rings, chivalry reigns once more?

Earlier, Ofsted's chief inspector Amanda Spielman suggested that sexual abuse among pupils could be 'happening outside of school' rather than being caused by a culture problem within institutions.

Didn't think so. For anyone else, this is a problem for parents to solve. But oh no!  

At the National Education Union's (NEU) annual conference, Amy Kilpatrick, from Newcastle, said it is 'absolutely the case' that the 'overwhelming levels of sexism and sexual harassment' in schools need to be addressed. She added: 'In order to achieve the drastic changes we want to see, then we must educate our boys, our male teachers and support staff.'

Struggle sessions for all, comrades! 

Delegates voted for male teachers and boys to learn about sexism and its roots - and to develop methods to challenge their peers - in order to 'proactively support women and girls'.
Richard Rieser, from Hackney in east London, called on men to 'own up and take responsibility' for sexism.
He told the conference: 'It isn't something where you can sit on the sidelines. You are either anti-sexist, anti-misogynist and do it as part of your professional work. Or, if you are silent, you are acquiescing to the dominant sexism that stalks the corridors and classrooms of our schools throughout this country.'

"You're either with us, or against us!" would have been a shorter slogan... 


  1. I suspect that Dr Mary Bousted (illustrated in the source article) probably hasn't ever had an indecent proposal that didn't require a brown paper bag over her head first ...

  2. "You're either with us, or against us!"

    Textbook example of a false dichotomy. Typical of the simplistic black or white only thinking of such people really.

  3. And a bottle of vodka first, Jeez, why is it always the ones with faces like witch doctors' rattles that bang on about sexism ? jealousy maybe ?

  4. "...probably hasn't ever had an indecent proposal that didn't require a brown paper bag over her head first ..."

    And one for the chap, in case her's falls off!

    "Textbook example of a false dichotomy."

    You think she's ever bother to read a textbook..?

    "Jeez, why is it always the ones with faces like witch doctors' rattles that bang on about sexism.."

    I think you hit the nail on the head!
