Thursday 15 April 2021

Self-Driving Vehicles Strike Again...

Surely there was someone behind the wheel who could have halted its murderous rampage?


  1. "Surely there was someone behind the wheel who could have halted its murderous rampage?"

    That someone isn't going to be of much use if the cyclist is in their blind spot adjacent to (or directly underneath) the nearside cab mirror. Many trucks and vans carry a "If you can't see my mirror, I can't see you" sticker on the back, but at very close quarters it really means "If you can't see ME in my mirrors"...

  2. Children hanging on outside HGV acceptable?

  3. Sitting on the park and ride bus this week and Saw a Cambridge cyclist nearly run over by the bus and why ? all other vehicles waiting at the red light, not her, and she severely misjudged the bus turning circle.

  4. "...if the cyclist is in their blind spot ..."

    I don't know why this keeps happening, surely by now even the dumbest cyclist knows the danger?

    "... all other vehicles waiting at the red light, not her,..."

    Red lights are for other vehicles, of course! Like insurance and licenses.
