Monday 9 August 2021

Another Diversity Hire Triumph For The Met Police...

...goes down in flames (albeit not quite like her Muslim sister in Bury, who the MSM is strangely silent about):
A Muslim police officer hailed as a role model for bravely confronting anti-lockdown protesters was facing an urgent investigation last night after it was revealed she tweeted a torrent of racist messages and was in regular contact with a suspected female jihadi in Syria.

Oops! Boy, will Dame Cress's face be red, eh? 

As Scotland Yard faced questions over how her rants were missed during vetting...

That's easy to answer. It's because the Met Police are stunningly incompetent.  

Last night, the Met said: 'There is no place within the Met for any racist, homophobic or otherwise hateful attitudes and officers and staff can expect robust action should they be found to hold or express such views.
'The Directorate of Professional Standards will now conduct a thorough investigation to establish the full circumstances behind the social media posts. The officer has been notified of the investigation and placed on restricted duties.'

Yet again, so blinded by the need for 'diversity' they fail to check properly just who it is they are employing... 


  1. I'm not sure that 'kuffar' is that racist, surely Muslim's use that term to denote people with more sense and civilised behaviour than they and their co-religionists exhibit.

    On the other hand, 'Paki' is racist, because it implies that the target is a subhuman.

  2. 18 months time- quietly sacked.
    19 months time- sues the Met for racism.
    20 months time - she wins.
    21 months time- becomes a columnist for the Guardian and diversity spokesman for Tower Hamlets council.

  3. No red faces here then, we all know the UK police system is totally unfit for purpose. This is just another symptom of the general decay.

  4. "As Scotland Yard faced questions over how her rants were missed during vetting..."

    They were too busy persecuting everybody else on social media.

  5. Coarse as it may be in composition, I accept WC Jaded's list of predictions. Nobody refutes the latter's long experience of daily immersions in collegial excrement; the resultant turmoil and the familiar 'Golden Goodbyes' orchestrated by her police federation.

    However I am not buying the notion that those concerned with the appointment of this particular jihadi, had no idea of her background and proclivities. The levels of compensation awarded to filth are usually on an astronomic scale and the possibility that agreement was reached on a cut of the inevitable post-dismissal proceeds, cannot be ruled out.

  6. Robert the Biker10 August 2021 at 09:37

    "I'm not sure that 'kuffar' is that racist" Since it means 'filth' with the connotation of 'untouchable filth', it is the equivalent of calling someone a {literal} piece of shit.
    Its a pity that there isnt really a direct English equivalent, since 'worthless pig-fucking baboon cunt' doesnt really trip off the tongue.

  7. "On the other hand, 'Paki' is racist, because it implies that the target is a subhuman."

    Although they are allowed to use that term themselves... 😒

    "21 months time- becomes a columnist for the Guardian and diversity spokesman for Tower Hamlets council."

    I reckon inside of that - 18 months!

    "They were too busy persecuting everybody else on social media."

    Spot on!
