Friday 6 August 2021

Bringing You Tomorrow's Quietly-Shelved Government Report Today...

Measures are being introduced to try to identify what is driving rising murder rates in the wake of a spike in teenage deaths in some of the UK’s homicide hotspots.

Gosh, it's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma, isn't it? 

Every government agency involved in the victim’s life – health services, local authorities, children’s services, probation, and even voluntary groups – will contribute to an examination of what went wrong and consider how to identify the signs of a life at risk.

Maybe the fact that all of those agencies are 'involved in your life' might be one, who knows? 

Lib Peck, director of London’s VRU, said: “It’s absolutely crucial that we learn the lessons now that might help us make a lifesaving intervention in another young person’s life.

When this report draws the inevitable conclusions it cannot help but draw, I predict it'll never see the light of day... 

H/T: G Elvidge via Twitter


  1. They should just hold a cost / benefit analysis to see if it's even worth bothering about these people

  2. I'm going to hazard a guess that it will be the fault of the Police.
    They will not address the elephant (African or Asian) in the room.

  3. PC J: I hope you're not suggesting that there is some undiscovered racial thread through this terrible social catastrophe? They're victims, I tell you!

  4. Maybe a lot more proper old fashioned police on the street might help. Also if your not going to stomach capital punishment then make a life sentence mean life. It's no surprise that when capital punishment was abolished death by criminal act went up 600% mostly a result of it then being easier and cheaper to bring charges of manslaughter. The number of poor dead victims was still up 600% though.

  5. It seems that being an "aspiring rapper" is pretty risky, these days.

  6. "They should just hold a cost / benefit analysis to see if it's even worth bothering about these people"

    Quite! If it was guns, it'd be abother matter, but no innocent bystander ever died from a richocheting machete...

    "I'm going to hazard a guess that it will be the fault of the Police."

    Going for the safe bet again..? 😉

    "Maybe a lot more proper old fashioned police on the street might help. "

    It seems we don't have many of that type any all, never minf 'on the streets'.

    "It seems that being an "aspiring rapper" is pretty risky, these days."

    Not risky enough for my liking.
