Saturday 7 August 2021

Durham: Twinned With Keystone...

A milkman was given an early morning wake-up call when he was dramatically arrested by police who had mistaken him for a burglar because he was 'driving around so early in the morning'.

Durham's finest...

To say his boss was dumbfounded is...well, a bit of an understatement!

Mr Gibson described the whole ordeal as 'crazy'.
He said: 'The driver said the police were following him and then pulled him over. 'He explained he was delivering milk but they kept asking what he was doing this early in the morning and just kept questioning him.
'He even opened the back of the doors and showed them the milk but said he was told there had been a break in at Greenfield shop and that he matched the description.
'After a while though police ended up believing him and he just kept driving.'
Mr Gibson said 15 minutes later the driver stopped for coffee when he was surrounded by three police cars.

And this time they weren't convinced by the clear evidence that he wasn't a milk snatcher: 

Mr Gibson said: 'He showed them his work badge and told them to look at the delivery sheet but was told to stop resisting, it's crazy.
'Next thing I knew they took him to the police station.
'We have a tracker on the van so I went to pick it up but there was a cop car guarding it.'
The business owner claims he was told the van could not be moved as it was evidence but told officers he needed to take the milk out of the vehicle to ensure it did not go off.

Should have left it to go off. The resultant smell might have masked the clear stench of arrogance compounding the initial stupidity of these plod: 

A spokesperson from Durham Police said: 'Police were called at 2.30am to reports of an attempted burglary at a shop on Greenlee Garth, in Newton Aycliffe.
'CCTV from the shop appeared to show a van and an individual acting suspiciously. Officers attended the scene and stopped a van nearby.
'After refusing to provide his details, the driver of the van was arrested on suspicion of attempted burglary and obstructing a police officer.
'He has since been interviewed by officers and released without charge for the attempted burglary.
'He was released under investigation in relation to the arrest for obstructing a police officer.'

Because he kept protesting his clear and obvious innocence he was 'resisting' and 'obstructing'. Of course.   


  1. Before I retired I used to do triathlon training very early in the morning before work. When I started I used to be surprised by how many people were out and about at such an early hour. Presumably shift workers and yes milk men. So I'm not sure why just being out early would seem suspicious. I would also have thought that the guy's van would have been kitted out for doing milk deliveries making it really obvious that he was distributing milk professionally.

  2. Christ, I've just followed the link and seen the picture of the van. It has a logo that says "The Milk Man" and a picture of an effing cow on it. How is it even possible to be that stupid?

  3. Whey too much shit for brains.

  4. I would suggest that every one of the incompetent numpties were university graduates or had completed the Police Certificate prior to training. A good lawyer will demand the Police provide the description of the suspect this man matches. Refusing to tell a Police officer your name is not obstruction unless the Police can provide a reason for wanting it. Back to training school, the lot of 'em.

  5. Robert the Biker7 August 2021 at 10:51

    Seems tome the real problem, besides these useless tossers who should be instantly dismissed, is that the police who used to be "us" have now definitely become "them", and consider themselves as above the ordinary people and the laws which seem to apply to everyone but them. When there was a bobby on the beat, or even a local area car, the coppers would have KNOWN who the milkman was, and would have more likely asked him if he'd noticed anything than given him what I hope for them is very expensive grief.

  6. Plod: "Why are you driving around looking suspicious?"

    Driver: "I'm looking for a shithouse Constable."

    Plod: "You just found one. Name?"

  7. That's the police service we know and love, always go for the easy target.

  8. It's really like a Spike Milligan script for the Goon Show*, isn't it?

    *Google it, if you're too young to remember true comedy.

  9. "When I started I used to be surprised by how many people were out and about at such an early hour."

    I'm an early riser, in a very quiet road, and it's suprising to discover how many other people are up and about before the streets are aired! Even milkmen, and I thought they'd all gone the way of the dodo...

    "I would suggest that every one of the incompetent numpties were university graduates..."


    "...the police who used to be "us" have now definitely become "them"..."

    That's been coming steadily for a while, but it seems the pace is quickening.

    "It's really like a Spike Milligan script for the Goon Show*, isn't it?"

    I'm more of the 'Not The Nine O'Clock News' generation...but yes!
