Saturday 7 August 2021

It Seems We Must Pray For Bad Weather...

...because it's the only thing that will halt the invasion. It's not going to be the people we elect to preserve our borders:
The migrants who admitted dodging quarantine to go out shopping when they were supposed to be in their rooms aired their claims to the Telegraph yesterday.
One, who is being houses (sic) in a hotel in Peckham, south London, said: 'I was quarantining for 12 days but I could go outside. Security asked for your room numbers when you left and to sign back in.' Asked if he could go shopping, he said: 'Yes'.


A security guard at a hotel in Kensington, in the west of the capital, added: 'I don't know how many are in quarantine, whether it's one, two or none.'
Asked about the fact migrants were going in and out of the building without restrictions, he said: 'I see what you're saying, but those ones are probably not quarantining.'

We are being taken for mugs. When will we wake up? 


  1. Of course we are being taken for mugs. By the illegal benefit seekers swarming into UK while Patel wrings her hands and issues platitudes. By the lawyers reaping huge amounts of tax payers money representing those who are here to plunder our benefit system. And most of all by a government that talks a good fight to attract votes but lacks the stomach to do anything about this disgusting situation.

  2. We are awake. Belmarsh wouldn't suit me

  3. I thought this was about our cricketers for a second.

  4. The replacement population must not be subject to the same laws restrictions requirements or standards of behaviour as would be expected of those pesky natives.

  5. "And most of all by a government that talks a good fight to attract votes but lacks the stomach to do anything about this disgusting situation."

    Talk is, I fear, all we are going to get from this 'Conservative' government...

    "We are awake. Belmarsh wouldn't suit me"

    I know what you mean!

    "I thought this was about our cricketers for a second."


    "The replacement population must not be subject to the same laws restrictions requirements or standards of behaviour as would be expected of those pesky natives."

    And it seems they aren't...
