Thursday 5 August 2021

Destroy The Useless Thing!

A dog owner’s ‘out of control’ pet attacked two people and an assistance dog, a court has heard.
All three were injured in two incidents after they were attacked by the brindle and white Bulldog in Basingstoke last year.
The dog, named Ruby, has since been put into kennels and owner Martin Pye appeared at Winchester Crown Court today (Friday).

And the useless thing's owner too! But it seems we now do 'pre-sentence reports' gor mutts, unbelievably enough.. 

Pye’s barrister Giles Morrison said: “I will be asking for a pre-sentence report and also those instructing me for a behavioural assessment of the dog Ruby in terms of behaviour and whether or not she can be kept on a contingent destruction order.”

Hopefully the answer's 'No', 

“In addition to that, those that instruct are enquiring through Mr Pye as to whether there is an alternative keeper, as it were, of this dog and whether or not that can be appropriate,” Mr Morrison added.

Why take the chance? It's a serial attacker. 

The prosecution is seeking for the dog to be put down following an expert report.
The judge, Recorder Jane Rowley adjourned the hearing for a pre-sentence report to be completed.
Pye will appear at Winchester Crown Court on September 17 when he will be sentenced, and the dog’s future could be decided.

It should have no future... 


  1. When I saw that headline I expected some mention of hs2...

  2. It is assessed by cuddly greenies who will find it fine for housing with adult control or something. Then it will do the same again. We should be able to sue these magistrates.

  3. And to think the people presiding over our courts once rejoiced in the the title The Queen's Justice's. Those were the days.

  4. "When I saw that headline I expected some mention of hs2..."

    If only that could be done away with so easily...

    "We should be able to sue these magistrates."

    Or elect them in the first place, as they do in the US.

    "And to think the people presiding over our courts once rejoiced in the the title The Queen's Justice's"

    What do they rejoice in now, I wonder?
