Wednesday 4 August 2021

Musical Interlude - August:" He was crazy, and he kept on screaming, "You've been screwing the milkman." And then he ran into my knife... he ran into my knife ten times."

Yes, it's time for a bit of ladies doin' it for themselves. Lethal ladies. It's Chicago. 

And it's probably the best musical about Chicago ever filmed, at least until someone revives the late 80s vehicle for Dennis Waterman, 'Windy City'.

Most of the numbers were a bit forgettable, it's true (but the dance sequences and sly script made up for it) but not this one, oh no! 


  1. I have it playing in my car at the moment!

  2. Musical Theatre was never a thing that I had an interest in until my daughter became interested in it from quite an early age. Now I've seen loads of them. Some of them were school productions which were often a little amateurish obviously, but her sixth form college did an excellent Little Shop Of Horrors. Once was very good I thought. Not sure about Hamilton, I liked the songs sung by King George and female dancers being soldiers in tight white trousers.

  3. The variety of utter shite that would entertain Penise.

  4. "I have it playing in my car at the moment!"

    It's about the most memorable song of the movie!

    "Musical Theatre was never a thing that I had an interest in until my daughter became interested in it from quite an early age. Now I've seen loads of them."

    It's undergoing a bit of a revival at the moment..
