Monday 16 August 2021

Imported Savagery Again...

Four people have been convicted of murdering an NHS worker they selected at random to kill in the street in an attack meant to boost their standing in a gang.
David Gomoh, 24, was attacked in Newham, east London, as he spoke on the phone to his girlfriend who heard the opening words of the attack, as one gang member asked: “Where are you from?”

All are black or other ethnic minorities including the innocent victim. At least one shouldn't even have been here:

The Guardian has learned that one of the gang members, Vagnei Colubali, had been deported from the UK in 2017 but smuggled himself back into the country, according to multiple sources with close knowledge of the case.

I guess evading Border Farce isn't so difficult these days, especially when they seem more interested in assisting illegal immigration than preventing it...

Those convicted were affiliated to the Northside gang, who declared themselves “at war” with gangs from the south of the impoverished borough in east London.
Those convicted and their ages at the time of the attack were Mohammad Jalloh, 18, David Ture, 18, Colubali, 22, and a youth aged 16.

Once again, the usual suspects. 

The attackers had differing backgrounds.

Did they really? Let's see. 

Jalloh had done well at school and was a drug dealer who claimed to be making £1,000 a week and used a £35 a night hotel room to stash his drugs.
The youth who cannot be named for legal reasons, lived in Telford.
Colubali was caught on CCTV wearing an Armani bag and bragged to a friend he had killed someone in his native Portugal.
David Ture had in 2018 been convicted for stabbing someone in a fight and at the time was in a hostel.

They don't appear to differ much to me! Of course, we don't know anything about the poor little underage gang member. we? 

The jury of seven women and five men deliberated for 14 hours and 51 minutes before reaching unanimous verdicts on all charges.
Dock officers had to stop the 17-year-old storming from the dock as the verdicts were announced.
He was pushed back into his chair and told to 'simmer down' by a burly security guard as relatives of Mr Gomoh sat quietly in the courtroom.

I guess we can make assumptions based on that. 


  1. Newham has always been, at least in some parts, impoverished. It has also been much more mixed racially than some other areas of London were, due in large part to the docks that brought the world to the door of what was once the County Boroughs of East and West Ham. It was racially mixed before many other areas were. However, people did at least try to get on and get ahead no matter what their race and although there were criminals, most people obeyed the law.

    Now, thanks to excessive and uncontrolled education it is a complete and utter shithole. Most of the original residents who lived there have left. It has one of the lowest White British populations in Britain at 17%. The decent and law abiding ethnic minorities have left for the sake of their children's safety. Newham's Jews left long ago and they are being closely followed by the Christians. I'm told that the Sikhs are feeling unsafe (guess why) and I don' expect the hard working Hindus of the borough to be staying too long.

    Newham is now a mishmash of scum, some home grown but a lot that has been imported. Needless to say but it will surprise nobody that Newham has been Labour run for decades.

    I grieve for what this area has become and the stunted life and stunted life chances that its dwindling number of decent residents have to endure.

  2. But if the police stop and search or use taser on these savages they are often described as children or teenagers by the media.

  3. This is the inevitable consequence of having a legal system run by blending heart liberals more concerned with virtue signalling and woke issues than justice. These murderous animals should now be imprisoned for the rest of their lives if we can't stomach capital punishment for cases like this. Don't forget of course they will live a long time with us looking after them as we do and cost us over £30,000 a year each so budget at least £1,000,000 of tax payers money for each of them. Money that could be spent on hospitals or social care for our elderly but will be squandered on these creatures. As for our tax payer funded legal aid lawyers helping keep these people on our streets or our Boarder force helping them to get here by the boat load words fail me.

  4. Interestingly this incident in Birmingham the ethnicity of the attackers was given, which is odd, because usually they are MONAs. Maybe because it was a homophobic attack that victimhood poker decreed that 2 gay white men trump 4 x brown skin attackers when it comes to unprovoked assaults on the streets. Undoubtedly if it had been 2 straight white men attacked by 4 Asians the article would gave been MONA'd.

  5. We are so blessed to have these people here enriching our society. All praise to the politicians who continue to ensure we welcome a never ending flood of them.

  6. "Newham has always been, at least in some parts, impoverished."

    Long ago, I worked in an area that included the fringes of it. I was always glad then that it was just the fringes...

    "Most of the original residents who lived there have left."

    And have moved east, mostly - to Ilford, Dagenham, parts of Romford. Soon they'll wind up in Southend!

    "But if the police stop and search or use taser on these savages they are often described as children or teenagers by the media."

    Yes, I love seeing the term 'teenage suspect' and seeing a picture that looks like Junior Bodybuilder Winner 2020...

    "Don't forget of course they will live a long time with us looking after them ..."

    We can't even count on Ordinary Decent Criminals giving them a hiding in chokey, because there's not enough of 'em!

    "Maybe because it was a homophobic attack that victimhood poker decreed that 2 gay white men trump 4 x brown skin attackers..."

    I think I understand the rules of real poker better than this version! And all I can really play is 'Snap!'...
