Tuesday 17 August 2021

Not The Leeds I Remember From Childhood Holidays...

A 20-year-old Leeds man who admitted to sexually assaulting a "vulnerable" young girl has avoided jail.
A 'Leeds man', eh?
Mahdi Alishieshi, of Brudenell Mount, Hyde Park, was 17 years old at the time of the offences involving the child, who was then aged 11 or 12.

That's a good old Yorkshire name, isn't it? 

...a judge at Manchester Crown Court told him: "This wasn't accidental touching, this was a sexually motivated incident.
"You need to look deep within yourself and acknowledge that and move on from there.
"She was and is a particularly vulnerable young person, in that she is somewhat disturbed and troubled."

Before the abuse, or after, and as a result? 

The judge said the victim's ordeal has 'exacerbated her troubles'.
She told Alishieshi: "To your credit, you made frank admissions in interview.
"I have no doubt you are making significant progress in getting your life back on track."
Alishieshi, a university student, has 'strong academic capabilities' and a 'prospect of a bright and successful future'," she said.

Apart from the little issue of being a sexual predator, I suppose? 

Defending, Lewis Kerr said Alishieshi has suffered from mental health problems which he has been seeking help.

Quit while you're winning, Lewis!  

H/T: ClownWorld via Twitter 


  1. Seriously, you went to Leeds on a holiday?

  2. When whole gangs of men with strange sounding names are abusing white girls on an industrial scale in many of our cities it's no surprise he didn't get a prison term. This kind of behaviour is more or less condoned by our justice system after all no judge or police officer dares to risk being called a racist these days. One law for the natives and another quite different for the newcomers is the way in UK now.

  3. "Seriously, you went to Leeds on a holiday?"

    I was about twelve! And an aunt and uncle lived there, so we always called in...usually on our way to Whitby, Harrogate, Goathland and other places we loved.

    It was very different then.

    "One law for the natives and another quite different for the newcomers is the way in UK now."

