Wednesday 3 November 2021

Oh, I Think We Can...

A family tribute was read at the start of the inquest by Mr Smith's sister, Lorna Webley, describing him as a 'very bright, talented and creative individual' famed for his 'sharp' dress sense, and as a man 'forever altering his own clothes'.
Ms Webley said the death was 'beyond comprehension', adding 'Trevor's life mattered and he did not deserve to lose it in this way.
'One early Friday morning, someone took my brother's life in three seconds.
'At this moment, we cannot explain the proper reason for any good cause for his death.'
He threatened his ex-partner with an imitation handgun and when police came to arrest him, giving him every chance to surrender, he acted like an idiot. Case closed. 

There, saved a lot of time.


  1. To judge from today's two stories, the left's position is that the police don't take violence against women of colour seriously enough and also if a black guy holds what looks like a gun to his partner's head, that's no reason to start getting all heavy handed, you guys.

    See? Completely coherent and in no way an entirely tactical stream of bogus posturing.

  2. very bright, talented and creative individual


    beyond comprehension

    No it wasn’t.

    he did not deserve to lose it in this way

    Yet he tried so hard to.

    someone took my brother's life

    Yes, and we call her Natural Selection.

    we cannot explain the proper reason for any good cause for his death.

    If you can’t dazzle me with bullshit you’ll baffle me with gibberish?

  3. Another on hits the dust ...

    Won't be long before the country is free, oh, how many arrived today?

  4. "See? Completely coherent and in no way an entirely tactical stream of bogus posturing."

    It's schizophrenic, isn't it?

    "someone took my brother's life

    Yes, and we call her Natural Selection."

