Wednesday 24 November 2021

The Likely Question Will Be 'Which Incident, Officer?'...

Detective Chief Inspector Richard Vandenbergh from the Met's Specialist Crime unit, leading the investigation, called on any motorists with dashcam footage to get in touch with officers.
He said: 'While our investigation continues to make good progress I am still appealing to anyone who witnessed this fight in the vicinity of West Croydon station on Thursday evening to come forward.'
Especially given that groups of young ferals assaulting each other isn't exactly an unknown occurrence in Croydon...


  1. I seem to remember that Calcutta was once celebrated for its Black Hole.

  2. Good luck with the dashcam footage: all those vehicles must be crowding one another!

  3. While this is, obviously, another example of white privilege (irony alert), the chances of anyone volunteering information, and probably risking a visit to A&E themselves, is considered very small, despite the video footage from mobile phones.

  4. The accused will have lots of vowels in his name.

  5. What's the point in going to the trouble of supplying dash cam footage to the police when you know nothing will ever be done about the reported matter? It has been my experience for a number of years that those reporting things to the police are inevitability fobbed off with any excuse rather than do any real work. Ring our police to report anything and you will be politely treated as a nuisance.

  6. "Good luck with the dashcam footage: all those vehicles must be crowding one another!"


    "What's the point in going to the trouble of supplying dash cam footage to the police when you know nothing will ever be done about the reported matter?"

    Good point. And in Liverpool, we are seeing what letting some people regard themselves as untouchable is causing...
