Thursday 23 December 2021

An Intensive Care Consultant Writes...

My enduring memory of that time was emerging from a fitful sleep to see the nurses who'd been on night-shifts, their weary faces bearing the angry pressure marks of their PPE.
They reminded me of Spitfire pilots returning from battle in World War II — and, certainly, they were engaged in a daily life-or-death struggle.

Funny, I don't remember Pathé newsroll of pilots doing dances in their flight suits while bombers headed for London. 

And I'm pretty sure if Algie and Ginger had been the size of some of our NHS TikTok stars, they'd never have gotten their crates off the ground, what? 

"Tally ho, Algie?" 

"Ooh, hang on, Ginger, those are Heinkels, we're only doing Messerschmitts this month.."

So I think I'll remember the true unsung heroes of the pandemic - the shop staff, power station workers, refuse collection and delivery drivers who kept the country running and fed while the NHS screamed blue murder and closed down to anything but covid.


  1. Ah yes - the "Anonymous" NHS consultant. Funny how he/she (or insert pronoun of your choice) hides behind a shield, yet the likes of Mike Yeadon, Carl Henegan, Geert Vanden Bossche, Sucharit Bhakdi and many others are decent enough to speak in public - yet suffer abuse, threats, and the risk of "Cancellation" for doing so. As the Mail commenters noted, it's highly likely this load of tripe was NOT written by a genuine medic, but just a further hysterical scaremongering attempt to go along with all the other government sponsored crap keeping the media afloat...

  2. As someone astutely observed elsewhere, Britain has now become a health system with a country attached.

  3. I've done long hours and shitty jobs as well. Try changing a burst hydraulic hose on a digger in the middle of a muddy building site in winter. Do I get to compare myself to the guys who did the D Day landing?

  4. "Funny, I don't remember Pathé newsroll of pilots doing dances in their flight suits while bombers headed for London. "

    Actual LOL! And I'm at work, too

  5. "Funny, I don't remember Pathé newsroll of pilots doing dances in their flight suits while bombers headed for London."


  6. "As the Mail commenters noted, it's highly likely this load of tripe was NOT written by a genuine medic, but just a further hysterical scaremongering attempt to go along with all the other government sponsored crap keeping the media afloat..."

    *gasp* Surely you aren't suggesting the 'Guardian' would lie...?

    "A Biggles fan?"

    Isn't everyone?

    "As someone astutely observed elsewhere, Britain has now become a health system with a country attached."

    Like a giant, fat, endlessly unsatisfied leech...

    "Do I get to compare myself to the guys who did the D Day landing?"

    Well, at least!

  7. "Actual LOL! And I'm at work, too"

    Bringing joy to the workers, that's me... 😁
